Magoos Monday Rant

Discussion in 'Australia, NZ, Pacific' started by mister magoo, Oct 11, 2015.

  1. mister magoo

    mister magoo New Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    Should be a great gig...can only hope for the same electric atmosphere as seen in my link (River Plate, Argentina)
    Ill be going to one of the Brissy shows...
  2. culldav

    culldav Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2012
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    I think you might be talking about the UK. I believe some of the British Royal family goes skying in France and Switzerland, but you don't see the locals lining the streets to meet 'n' greet them as they pass by. I think the connection to Lordship and Royal lineage is predominately just in the UK. Go to Greece or Sweden, and 99% of the population couldn't give a rats arse about Royal families.

    I agree that Australia needs to become a Republic, and shake of the old stink of being a former British convict colony.

    Some people say that looking at Australia's social issues in 2015, is like looking at the USA in 1980.
  3. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    If you support the British are either a NOBLE....or a SERF.

    And if you are Aussie....we call you SMERFS! LOL!!!

    Although I can't deny I on occasion enjoy watching an old DUKE movie.....most American's that own Firearms own more than one.

    I have quite a number of them specific to Hunting and several for Protection.

    As well I own a few I use for Target Shooting as there are many many Leagues here in the States and every Sunday starting in the Fall we have what are known and called TURKEY SHOOTS.

    Turkey Shoots are held at and by Fish and Game Clubs which pretty much exist in every town all across the United States.

    A person brings with them a 12 gauge shotgun and the Fish and Game Club has a Big Party with Food and Drink and Games for the Kids and a person pays money to participate in the Shoot.

    Depending upon the size of the Clubs outdoor shooting rage there will be between 12 to 35 Bulls-eyed Targets that are on metal plates atop metal target poles....and the club gives each person who paid to participate a 12 Gauge shell and a person shoots at the target and as Bird Shot is being used the targets get a number of small holes in them.

    After the last person in a particular round shoots.....all targets are compared and the person who's target has a hole in it that is either closest or through dead center wins that round.

    Prizes can be anything from the standard 25 lbs an entire cut of Prime Rib or Porterhouse and perhaps even MONEY!!

    It's a lot of fun and sometimes the profit goes for Charity or to help Wildlife Preservation or to the Club for upkeep.

    I live in Western Massachusetts and we have a HUGE number of Deer, Bear, Turkey, Pheasant, Partridge, Quail, Ducks, Geese......and we also have some very large Predators which are protected as Mountain Lions have come back to the region.

    A 209 lbs Mountain Lion was accidentally killed by a car recently and I personally have seen the tracks of several Lions not too far from my home.

    We also get Moose and a vast number of other animals as where I live it is dense forest as there are more trees now than there were in the 1600's as the Colonists tended to cut trees down to grow crops and send wood back to England as England had very little wood left.

    But if you lived where I do in such a vast wilderness and I could actually start walking North North West and get to a point where I could walk for hundreds of miles and never see a person.

    Places like this a person needs a firearm.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Bon Scott fan or the other guy?


  4. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Even in Nations that had Revolutions to remove the aristocracy like France.....there are STILL people who love to display their family Coat of Arms.

    I can understand a person having an interest in their Genealogy and Family History but European's in General go out of their way to display such evidence and make other people aware of it.

    Your right that this is ESPECIALLY prevalent in the U.K. as I have been there many times and you just can't get away from it....but it exists even in St. Petersburg Russia.

    Aussies don't tend to do it and American's are revolted by it.

    I really do not understand WHY Australian's would show any allegiance whatsoever to the British Crown considering the vast Majority of Aussies ancestors were forced onto Ships and sailed around the globe to a penal colony called Australia.

    Actually if I was Australian I would kind of be P!$$ED OFF if anyone was declaring allegiance to the same Son's of a B!#@H'S that threw my family out of their country!! LOL!!!

    I have been to Australia and have a few friends there and I enjoy myself when I go.

    Australia and Aussies in general in my opinion kind of suffer from a self created lack of identity.

    On one hand their Aussies and proud of it.....but then the CROWN is invoked and all of a sudden a few once strong and proud Aussies turn into bowing subservient little B!#@$ES!!

    What the HELL is up with that???

  5. mister magoo

    mister magoo New Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    If I had a chance, Id p1ss on the royals...I cant stand them...theyre all german descendants anyway....

    - - - Updated - - -

    Bon was good but Brian is a very good front man......even better...
  6. mister magoo

    mister magoo New Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    One for you mate...
  7. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Brian amazing voice but too much smoke, coke and dope did that voice in!!!!

    I remember the actual DAY I purchased Back in Black on Cassette.

    I remember playing HELL"S BELLS over and over and over again! LOL!!!

    Great song...great band...great voice.

    Bon Scott had a very unique voice and it is difficult for any band that loses a singer to replace him but AC/DC did it when picking Brian.

    I met Brain in NY City years ago as I am involved in Entertainment and Howard Stern paid AC/DC to play a Free Concert outside in NYC.

    As far as the CROWN.

    Honestly I don't get why Australian's pay homage to the British Crown?

    It really makes no sense but although YOU can't stand the Royal's for some reason there are plenty of Aussies that do love them.

    I cannot wrap my head around WHY?

  8. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I just remembered the name of that stupid band!!!

    They had that Video where they were in and on a Safari like Aussie truck and no one was driving in the middle of the night as the truck was zooming across a flat desert plain.

    It just popped into my head.

  9. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    83's illegal to strip mine in the United States now.

    The U.S. passed a great number of Environmental Laws and Acts back in the 1970's and because of them our Rivers are so clean many are used for DRINKING WATER.

    After the use of DDT a pesticide was DDT was responsible for making the eggs of Birds of Prey very thin and brittle and this caused huge losses of the numbers of Eagles, Hawks, Owls, Falcons...etc.

    Now I walk out my back door to the pool and I have a huge Snowy Owl in a Blue Spruce and I have Hawks and Eagles flying all over the place as well as Peregrine Falcons.

    The number of Animals is ASTOUNDING.

    Too many actually as we have to increase the number of deer a Hunter can take in a season because there are way too many deer and we have a number of Moose walking around.

    Moose are massive and during Mating Season they have been known to charge FREIGHT TRAINS as they become aggressive.

    My parents are still alive and I bought my Mom and Dad a very expensive SQUIRREL PROOF Bird Feeder as we have an incredible number of colorful SONG BIRDS in New England but we have Grey and Red and Flying Squirrels that I swear have a higher IQ than some of the Members on this forum as they somehow figure ways out to get at the Black Oil Sunflower Seeds in Feeders!!

    Anyways I bought one that was SQUIRREL PROOF and this thing has set atop an over 10 feet high concrete filled steel pole and one day I am over my parents home and I look in the backyard through the window and my MOM IS BEATING A 400 LBS. BLACK BEAR WITH HER BROOM AS THE BEAR PULLED DOWN THE BIRD FEEDER BENDING THE STEEL AND CONCRETE REINFORCED POLE TO THE GROUND!!!

    I almost choked on my beer when I saw this and I ran outside to get my absolutely FEARLESS MOTHER away from this Mother Bear as I saw 2 CUBS hiding in the bushes!!!

    Right now the United States because of all the Wildlife and Environmental Laws we passed is experiencing more trees and cleaner water and more wildlife than existed even when the Indian's were the only one's around.

    It is truly beautiful and amazing.

  10. mister magoo

    mister magoo New Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    And get this...their leader, Peter Garrett became a politician...member for Kingsford Smith, and
    held the portfolio for Education...has left politics and is now writing songs...I was never a fan
    of the band, or him.....
  11. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I was never a fan either and I hate to admit even though I didn't like the song as I absolutely HATE when Musician's become Political....the damn song stuck in my head and is in there to this day as it was played for about a year non-stop during the whole American Interest dalliance into Aussie Culture.

    I have noticed one thing when I go to the U.K. especially in England.

    The Brits tend to have a low opinion of Aussies and I have never understood why unless it has something to do with the whole penal colony thing?

    When I go to the U.K. the people are always very polite and kind to me but I have a few friends in the Aussie SAS and when I bring up Australia and Australian's the Brits tend to get this SOUR look on their faces as if they were sucking on a Lemon.

    Can you please explain to me what the HELL that is all about?

  12. mister magoo

    mister magoo New Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    It may have something to do with the British incompetence at Gallipoli..
    and the British brass sipping their gin and tonics and "resting" their men (whilst still on their ships) after
    such a long sea journey to Gallipoli, while our grunts were being slaughtered
    on the battlefield...
    Thats why we like to beat the crap out of them at any sport you can think of...
    We ditched "God Save The Queen" as our national anthem years ago and replaced
    it with "Advance Australia Fair"...
    Plus we have had a fair amount of "whinging pommies" come to live in Australia, and all they do is whinge
    about everything or nothing....this has been common knowledge for years.....
  13. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Ahhhh....I seeeee.

    I thought perhaps I was imagining I was seeing Brits act this way but the last time I was there and I deal with the British SAS....I did see them get that LOOK on their faces when I was talking about this...JOB I did on an Island off the East Coast of Sumatra and I had a few Aussie SAS as a part of my Team on that JOB because they knew the layout.

    The Brits DEFINITELY displayed a facial reaction when I mentioned the Aussie SAS.

    I am going to look deeper into this.

  14. mister magoo

    mister magoo New Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    No animals around my place, but plenty of beaches....Im about 100 yards
    from the sand in a high is by Aussie band Hunters and Collectors...
    they played it for a while at the aussie rules (football) Grand Finals in Melbourne...
  15. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Very nice!!

    It looks a lot like where I own property on the beach in Florida as well I own property on Marco Island off the Gulf Coast of Florida and they cut waterways through the entire Island so I can drive my boat right to my home.

    I live there for most of the winter if I am not overly busy either in Mass. or if I have to fly out to do a JOB.

    I am a Master Diver and I have over 100 Wreck Dives to my credit and I have dove Australia's Great Barrier Reef and saw all those huge Star Fish that have been growing in out of control numbers due to Global Warming as the Star Fish have been eating the Coral and a lot of coral has turned bleach white.

    In Massachusetts I dive off Cape Cod and Cape Ann.

    I have a Lobster License so if I do 2 dives in a day I usually get about 8 to 12 Lobsters weighing anywhere from 2 to 11 lbs and they are the Lobsters that have the large claws.

    I also spear fish and I often grab up Oysters and Mussels by the HUNDREDS off the side of this small rock island that when it is low tide I saw from my boat that the whole rock side underwater of this island was just covered with large mussels.

    Oysters I usually get when I dive up in Maine and the water is brutally COLD and I have dove in Maine in October and water temps. were 32.6 Degrees F. at 50 feet down!!!

  16. Pork_Butt

    Pork_Butt Active Member

    Dec 26, 2013
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    We are the way we are because it was necessary to use firearms to get us out from under the thumb of the British crown. It's part of our freedom to be free citizens and not subjects of the crown. We kicked their asses out of our country over two hundred years ago for good reason. Like your country, the USA is filling up with foreigners who want to change our way of life and beliefs. We have the hardware, guts, and determination, to protect ourselves and repel the invaders. You may have the guts and determination to want to protect your homes and families from this threat, but do you have the hardware?
  17. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Australians don't need hardware- they Australians!
  18. mister magoo

    mister magoo New Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    Well, no, we haven't got the hardware...but our main problem is that we are being lulled into a false sense of security by a slick talking Prime Minister together with a naive Australian attitude where we are all just interested in sinking p1ss and watching the footy....ask any Australian...."she'll be right mate..."
    After the terrorist attack in Parramatta, she wont be right mate...
    We can have all the talk fests we want, either created by our Prime Minister or the talking heads
    on tv...but we should be educating ourselves for the future by observing and understanding
    what is going on overseas........but what would I know..........
  19. mister magoo

    mister magoo New Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    I think this link explains the British incompetence....
  20. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Personally I could care less about immigrants or beliefs as long as no one is trying to break and enter my home.

  21. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Every year both the Soviet Union and Russia and China put out their yearly Military Threat Assessment.

    Each year they would put this out and although they named every European and Asian Nation by their Individual Name such as Military Threat Assessment of France or Germany...etc.

    But when they got to the America's they labeled it the Military Threat Assessment of North America as they basically lump Canada, the United States and Mexico into one group and there is a reason for this.

    All three nations have a pact to fight as one and Canada and the U.S. actually have a fully integrated Military as it is called NORAD.

    Because of this there are many American/Canadian Bases all over the Arctic.

    When the Soviet Union collapsed and Yeltsin allowed old Soviet records to become public reports were found detailing Soviet Military assessments of what it would take to invade North America and the reports concluded that the invasion of North America should never be attempted as it was deemed IMPOSSIBLE.


    Well despite the problem of the logistics as the United States and Canada and Mexico are surrounded by vast oceans such as the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic as well as the near impossibility of getting through the North American Navy and Air Force.......the Soviet Report concluded that even if all obstacles could be overcome and Soviet Military boots were able to get on North American soil that an invasion would STILL FAIL because the United States, Canada and Mexico have THE MOST HEAVILY ARMED POPULATIONS ON PLANET EARTH and because of this any invasion of North America was doomed to failure.

    It's a good thing the United States protects Australia because China is not all that far for you and now that they have taken away your weapons well......

    Gatewood and (deleted member) like this.
  22. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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  23. mister magoo

    mister magoo New Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    Perhaps I better try to get an AK 47 and a few grenades...maybe a flame thrower or three.......
  24. DaS Energy

    DaS Energy New Member

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Thanks to the POME Abbott Russia now has a Naval Base in Indonesia. Which is a lot closer than America. Learning Russian culture has its rewards!
  25. mister magoo

    mister magoo New Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    I dont think Abbott has anything to do with what Russia does...its all out of our hands...
    but perhaps we could all get back to the OP...

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