Of course men have a right to an opinion. Unfortunately, some believe that the only opinion a man should have must match their opinion. Women, on the other hand, most definitely have an opinion, the correct opinion, and the only opinion worth considering.
There are complaints of "mansplaining" that are completely off-base. I've been accused of "mansplaining" for answering a question that someone specifically asked me, and it was a single-sentence answer. However, there is no denying that men sometimes talk down to women and "explain" things to them in a condescending way even when the women they are talking to are perfectly knowledgeable or even more knowledgeable than the man providing the "answer." There are tons of examples of this. I've seen it at work just in the past few weeks. And it is fine to point it out.
Some people explicitly -- mostly on Twitter. Many people implicitly. In particular, many women and men believe that men are moral inferiors of women.
twit twĭt noun A foolishly annoying person The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. More at Wordnik
Men don't worry about opinions because they deal in facts. Women don't take anything as a fact and therefore consider everything is just an opinion. Bear in mind that unlike my fb posts, the boss doesn't track me here....
Some women have accused me of being condescending. I'm not condescending. Condescending means having or showing a feeling of patronizing superiority.
In the song Meghan Trainor uses mansplaining, opinion, and the right to speak interchangeably. Just saying...
So some folks on the internet persuaded you you aren't allowed to have an opinion? I'm a bit skeptical.
Not me. I read conversations between Progressives o Twitter a lot. The idea that men should stay quiet on many issues is common.