If Biden does something to **** it up maybe, but the damage is done. Trump already turned even masks into a partisan issue. He refused to lead and his supporters won’t change their mind now.
If Biden will declare that the coronavirus is Trump hoax which miraculously will disappear in April - it will be Biden fault too.
See, now you're talking, those republicans were not nominated and subsequently elected, Trump was. It was his agenda, his most important issue, not someone else's, he promised tax reform and he delivered. Too bad due to the dems' sabotage and boycott he did not have the votes to make it permanent but hopefully Beijing Joe will extend it. And everyone got a fair share of the tax cut, the poor and lower middle class actually got higher percentage than the rich, in fact some of the rich ended up with higher taxes. PS your 14% for the rich is nonsense of course and you know that.
This is not true either. What's False Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-coronavirus-rally-remark/
I love discussions about "What does the poet mean by...". Here is exactly what President Trump said and it is opened to any creative interpretation: "One of my people came up to me and said, ‘Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything, they tried it over and over, they’ve been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning, they lost, it’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax." So lets me correct my previous statement: "If Biden will declare that the fight against the coronavirus which resulted with 265,898 death is a hoax and the coronavirus miraculously will disappear in April - it will be Biden fault too".
Yep, you sound almost right. It is Dems fault that working Americans got only TEMPORARY 2-4% tax cut and the corporations (the wealthy) got PERMANENT 14% cut. It also a fact that some of the rich ended up with higher taxes under the new law - we will find them 2 week after we will find the election fraud. Of course 14% for the rich is nonsense - because the tax cut was for corporations and we know that in the US the rich don't own the corporations, the corporations are own by poor/middle class America. Borat - you are fantastic comedian!
I think you may be confused by the term "bombshell". It means a game-changing event. It doesn't mean that you take a turd, polish it up, and present it as piece of gold ... Just say'n.
So you admit that 14% tax cut was for corporations, not for the rich as you baselessly and shamelessly claimed before. Embarrassing, isn't it to be exposed like this. PS, that's your favorite pizza place, your local plumber, your computer contractor, your laundry place, all those tiny, small, mid-sized businesses that got that 14% tax break. The rich my tail.
Yes, I shamelessly admit that 14% tax cut was for C- corporations and LLC corporations, but not to S-corporations. S corporations are not taxed at the corporate level and are subject to personal income tax levels. And guess what kind of corporations owns your favorite pizza place, your local plumber, your computer contractor, your laundry place, all those tiny, small businesses? Let me give you a hint – I worked a few years as independent consultant and had my own corporation. Nope – you didn’t guess, most of the small businesses incorporate as S corporation and are not getting President Trump tax cut. So who are the main benefactors of the President PERMANENT tax cut? Of course people who own – C corporations and LLC corporations. Are they wealthy? Not so sure, President Trump owns The Trump Organization and the tax cut he created was not good for him, trust him: I hope you believe him.
Dude, S corporations aren't taxed, you can't get a corporate tax cut if your tax rate is 0 (zero, cero, ноль) . Duh All other types of corporations which include the overwhelming majority of small and medium size businesses in this country got their top corporate tax rate cut from 35% to 21%. On top of paying corporate taxes, the owners pay personal taxes, they are double taxed. Thanks to Trump these hard working middle class Americans have both their corporate and personal tax burden substantially reduced, they get to keep a lot more of their money. Thank you president Trump is in order. PS shameful of you trying to mislead us with this bogus leftist claim that Trump cut taxes for the rich, when in reality every small and middle size business benefitted bigly from his tax reform.
I see a logic of perfect Trump supporter. Your favorite pizza place, your local plumber, your computer contractor, your laundry place, all those tiny, small businesses in order to avoid double taxing use S corporation, it means they got from Trump TEMPORARY 2-4% tax cut. Owners of C corporations or LLC corporations got PERMANENT 14% tax cut. You correct Trump supporter conclusion: bogus leftist claim that Trump cut taxes for the rich, when in reality every small and middle size business benefitted bigly from his tax reform. PERFECT! And don’t forget to say that you believe to president Trump that the tax cut was not good for him.
Small and medium size businesses that did not pay corporate taxes still don't pay corporates taxes. Small and medium size businesses that paid corporate taxes and were double taxed had the top corporate rate cut by 14% All Taxpayers got median 4% tax cut Taxpayers making between 15,000 and 20,000 a year got 12.5% tax cut Taxpayers making between 40,000 and 50,000 saw 14.5% tax cut. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/t...first-year-after-trumps-tax-reform-2020-03-03 I am bored and tired of schooling you and correcting your bogus leftist disinformation. 14% tax cut for the rich my a$s, it was a tax cut for small and medium size mom and pop american businesses. bye
No doubts President Trump is a stable genius – without showing any evidence of vote fraud he declared himself 2020 election winner and now he convinced his base that PERMANENT 14% tax cut for corporations was not a tax cut for the wealthy (Your favorite pizza place, your local plumber, your computer contractor, your laundry place, all those tiny, small businesses in order to avoid double taxing use S corporation, it means they got from Trump TEMPORARY 2-4% tax cut). Somehow he convinced his base that they got more than TEMPORARY 2-4% tax cut – GENIUS! Here the info about the tax cut – I’ll bet Trump supporters will still believe that they got 12.5% or even 14.5% tax cut: Wait - I see from these tables American workers got 200% tax cut! HE IS A GENIUS!!!!!
So with Biden America will take a back seat to globalism, cut our energy use as demanded while China continues unhindered until 2035.
Standard deduction doubled. A family does not pay a single penny in taxes on extra $12,000. If this family has two children its gets to keep extra $4,000 of child income credit in their pockets... Plus better tax brackets as your tables correctly indicate. A family of 4 earning $64,000 a year pays exactly $0 (zero) in federal tax. Seriously, educate yourself, it's not my job
~ This is where the majority of working people fit - and they got the most benefits simply because there are more of them. One reason the economy had a consistent uptick. The average American has more to spend. Of course Democrats will reverse this .
Borat, I never wanted to be a teacher, but I see I taught you something. I taught you that your favorite pizza place, your local plumber, your computer contractor, your laundry place, all those tiny, small businesses did not get PERMANENT 14% tax cut – all these businesses got TEMPORARY 2-4% cut, because in order to avoid double taxation they file taxes under S corporation, and S corporations are not taxed at the corporate level but are subject to personal income tax levels. I taught you that the owners of C corporations or LLC corporations (like the one owned president Trump) got PERMANENT 14% tax cut. It is beyond my teacher capacity to teach if the PERMANENT 14% got the wealthy or American workers. And now about the Standard Deduction. Yes - Standard deduction doubled, but the new tax cut eliminated or restricted many itemized deductions – here are more info: https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/bri...ge-standard-deduction-and-itemized-deductions And now let me teach you how much taxes pays a family of 4 earning $64,000 a year: Go to https://www.hrblock.com/tax-calculator/ Or https://smartasset.com/taxes/income-taxes#72UTVHDjjn and you will find that these are leftist sides whose only purpose is to lie about President Trump tax cut, according to them a family of 4 earning $64,000 a year will pay taxes. Don’t believe them, trust President Trump only – he is GENIUS!!! According to John Maynard Keynes, it does not make any sense to give tax break during normal economy cycle, but it makes a sense to give tax break during a recession – but President Trump did just opposite and he reduced unemployment by full 1.5%, increasing the national debt to only $1 trillion. And the most amazing – he convinced his base that the tax cut was not good for him - GENIUS!!!
1. The reduced (not eliminated) itemized deductions affected extremely high state and local taxes and mortgages on extremely expensive houses. None of that applies to the middle class or working poor whose standard deduction now by far exceeds whatever they could possibly have itemized. 2. The family of 4 earning $64,000 -will have $25,000 standard deduction -the tax of 10-12% on the remaining $39,000 taxable income will be in the ballpark of $4,000 -which will be wiped out by $4,000 Child tax credit. Their federal tax burden is 0 (zero, cero, ноль) Now you know. PS lest we forget that the reduction of SALT and mortgage deductions actually restores fairness in taxation.
Few points – if the wealthy earned more – they can pay more taxes even if their taxes were reduced. Corporations got PERMANENT 14% tax cut, if as result the stock price went up – the owners of corporations became richer without regard how much tax they paid. So the question who benefit the most from the tax cut can be asked differently: Who benefits the most: owners of corporations which got PERMANENT 14% tax cut or American workers who got TEMPORARY 2-4% tax cut? In addition to the tax cut we should consider other facts: standard deductions, the estate tax, also known as the inheritance tax, keeping golf-course loopholes, keeping the carried tax loophole and more.
Workers certainly benefitted. Lowest unemployment rate in all demographics. Raise taxes on corporations and they will reduce costs elsewhere and the first to be reduced are jobs and pay.
~ The more I hear/read about taxes the more I think about a flat tax - but the U.S. government would likely find a way to turn even that into a monster somehow.