Mean Spirited, Racist, Isolationist,....

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Robodoon, Aug 26, 2011.

  1. Robodoon

    Robodoon Banned

    Jun 2, 2010
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    All words from the PC mind. The PC mind comes from the great evil capitalists, who do not use fair weights for self gain.

    But use the method which is only just for their own evil. They are the powers behind Communism, Socialism and Nazism....and global eugenics, not to mention the UNITED NATIONS. Which is nothing but an expression of total evil for the world.

    This is the world and evil rules it for now.

    For just like the Federal Reserve, which is not federal and has no reserves, or the Patriot act, which isn't Patriotic and in fact is the opposite of patriotic, the United Nations, isn't United and doesn't serve the nations. It serves as a product of most of the great hoaxes of peace and togetherness we have been sold for over 100 years.

    You must understand we are dealing with a super rich class, and this business class relies on "Lies, DEATH, TRICKS, and suffering of the masses" so they can get "their" vision. Their dream, the NWO, is actually a Lucifer's dream come true.

    We live in time folks. Our spirit has more weight than time, and life is just a vapor.

    Nevermind, you are confused now, well some of you.

    Wake up or die, stand or don't but we are here now, and we will suffer if we don't over come simple tricks of the world.... we will realy suffer.

    You don't live in the US anymore, unless somethings are corrected. The rest will rush toward their death and the whole time they will say they didn't understand.

  2. IrishLefty

    IrishLefty New Member

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Sometimes, especially as political rhetoric in America moves far to the right, these words become necessary.
  3. SiliconMagician

    SiliconMagician Banned

    Apr 15, 2010
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    Ohhh. I see. So ALL human progress can only spring from the Left. The future is an ever expanding creep towards a utopian socialism/social democracy whatever you want to call it..

    but an ideological belief in near absolute economic and political freedom is considered regressive?

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