This is what they are doing with our money. Obama talks about shared sacrifice? For what, this? When times are tough like they are right now, average folks like us must sacrifice things we like for what we need. I did, I cut the cable, high speed internet and even the HD TV got sold. Try to tell that to liberal Democrats that want to raise your taxes for junk like the above. They take your hard earned money, flush it down the commode, then have the unmitigated gall to come back and tell you they are going to raise your taxes because they need MORE! Nov 2012 is coming, it's your chance to tell the big spending Democrats in Washington, "Hey pal, you'll get no more from me till you fix the waste, fraud and abuse", like the above. They are spending your great grand kids into slavery to the debt created today.
Sorry to hear things are tough for you. And replace the big-spending Dems with big-spending Republicans? Or do you think things will be different this time around, that maybe people have had enough?
2001 when Bush took over with a Republican controlled Congress the Cumulative National debt was $4.02 trillion dollars when the Democrats took over Congress in 2007 it was $5.0 trillion dollars. When Obama took over with a Democrat Congress in 2009 the Cumulative National Debt was $7.4 trillion dollars, now in 2011 it's $14+ trillion. The Democrats took Congress in 2007, from 2000 till then the Cumulative National debt rose $1 trillion. Once the Democrats took over Congress with a Republican President the Cumulative National Debt rose $2.4 trillion dollars and since the Democrats took the White House and had a Democrat Congress in 2009 the Cumulative National debt rose from $7.545 Trillion to over $14+ trillion in 31 months. What can I say, those are the numbers, compiled from the Office of Budget Management by USA Today. Additionally, when the Democrats took control of the Congress in 2007 debt as a percentage of GDP was 36.2%. Today it is 63.6% and projected to be 68.6% for 2011. If the Republicans are overspenders, they overspend a whole lot less then than the Democrats do.
Peabody, you never look at the bright side. Everyone one of those projects involved kickbacks and "contributions" which were a major stimulus to the economy. No politicians or federal bureaucrats cut off cable televsion.
Like this one? Frankly, I don't believe Mr Billionaire. To me it looks like a giant money laundering scheme. The article goes further.... Like I said, in my opinion it looks like a giant money laundering scheme. The public needs to remember that we are on the hook for all those loan guarantees when Obama proposes "another" stimulus of the same garbage. Obama said "leading the way toward a brighter and more prosperous future." For who? I'll let you decide if these were investments worthy of our tax dollars. Then you'll know what to do Nov 2012.