Seems as if there is a new scare tactic paper out where it seems that California grape production will soon be a thing of the past due to global warming. That is if you use the new climate model at Stanford University. Problem is even using Hansen's homogenized GISS temps, there is no increase in California's temps. The full story complete with graphs and links to the GISS data base is over at Anthony Watts site. Oh and I can't wait to see how the AGW fans here try and spin apologies and excuses for this LOL. How many times does one have to be smacked in the face with a trout till they realize that it is a fish
Seems like the AGW scare stories are increasingly frequent this summer. Maybe the warming causes blizzards stories of the last couple of winters had no effect and with the decrease of solar activity the AGW money scammers are getting desperate? Well 2 more months of this crap then we can get back to warming causes cold again.
When yer hot, yer hot... Study: Climate is Major Violence Trigger August 26, 2011 - Forecasts can help mitigate human Crisis
The study might be flawed (I haven't read it nor am I an authority whose opinion would hold any weight) but it would be good to see stimulating discussion about it and not just another jubilant chant of 'hah! Another nail in the AGW coffin!' Are you an authority on this topic, OP? Or are you repeating what you heard from another source?...And lets not pretend Watts website is of unquestionable integrity.
Um, do you really not understand how warming = more moisture in the air = precipitation? Or are you just choosing to ignore the science since your mind is made up?
Wow - you can't even summarize the situation accurately. But then again you get your information from Watt which is a dubious source. "In the next 30 years, high-value vineyards in Northern California could shrink by 50% because of global warming, according to a new Stanford University study released Thursday. Applying scenarios from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, scientists used a climate system computer model and found that Napa and Santa Barbara counties could experience very hot days during the growing season, with temperatures reaching 95 Fahrenheit or higher. The number of hot days will be greater, they say, with about 10 more sweltering days than usual. As a result, the amount of grape-growing land is projected to decline over the next three decades, the authors wrote. "There will likely be significant localized temperature changes over the next three decades," said Noah Diffenbaugh, coauthor of the study and a center fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford. "One of our motivations for the study was to identify the potential impact of those changes, and also to identify the opportunities for growers to take action and adapt."
At it again, JD. Using the strategy suggested by Luntz Research and continuing to make the lack of scientific certainty a primary issue in the debate. I assume you are referring to this blog post. First Watts dismisses the GISS data as unreliable and then uses it to show there is no trend? Do you seriously not see anything wrong with this logic? Seriously??? ETA: And two data stations are supposed to show us a regional trend? Seriously??? Where are the data from the other stations in the area? Seriously??? Watts???
the California grape producers are seeing changes they do their own weather I guess they also in on the great climate change conspiracy as well...
Ah Jd - no links? No supporting evidence? Just gossip rumour and innuendo (BTW that last one is NOT an Italian suppository)