I as a young student and observer of Politics, feels that Mr.Ron Paul's winning would be in interest of all human kind! and especially wining of Ron paul might bring the real changes and solution to Afghanistan situation.... We, the outer world, loves Ron Paul because he is accepting the wars which were launched in Afghanistan and IRAQ were unconstitutional and unethical!!! so it is time to wrap up it! We loves Ron Paul who knows the running of world monetary system that's why he tend to say an end to Fed's private role! and bring Golden system back -------------- So vote for Ron Paul and save the World!!
I question the morality, intelligence and humanity of anyone who wouldn't back a man who is anti-war, anti-world-police and is willing to end the Federal Reserve. I just don't even understand people who criticize Ron Paul. It's beyond bizarre.
Being anti-war is admirable - but you can't escape the fact the dude sounds like a bit of a loon: The greatest hoax I think that has been around for many, many years if not hundreds of years has been this hoax on [...] global warming. Ron Paul on Fox Business, Nov. 4, 2009
I'm willing to bet the majority of the human population considers global warming to be a hoax. Millions of innocents are killed by wars and it throws the entire planet into turmoil. You're willing to let millions of innocents be murdered over an opinion on global warming that differs from your own?
!?!?!? Yeah....right. But I guess there will be a few other loons around that might vote for him. Still - his anti-war stance does seem admirable
He's just another religious fundie nutbag. The world has plenty of them and they're not in the interest of humankind.
Ron is a religious nut bag, eh? In what way? The reason the man is made to look like a loon is because he stands alone against the wars abroad. He stands alone against the rampant deficit spending. He stands alone against the Fed, who is the engine behind the massive deficit spending. He stands alone in not wanting to go to war with Iran. He stands alone.
Do you believe in manbearpig too? Still, I guess there'll be a few other loons around that won't vote for peace because they believe everything they're told by stuffy old suits like Al Gore.
All Ron needs to do is start frothing at the mouth saying we need to prevent Iran, or any other Islamo-fascist country, from developing WMD's no matter what the cost to us or the world. In short, they need to channel "W" and they will think him sensable.