Dennis I don't know that much about economic to tell you what's going on. I only took macroeconomics class in college, and it was mostly just finding the intersection between supply and demand. I don't remember all that much of the details, but I remember the teacher's last name was the same as a mafia family.
Strangely enough.... I am one of those white guys who thinks a lot about this type of activity from centuries in the past. I actually think that semi- reality science fiction films based supposedly centuries in the past....... would be a good way for some of us white people to get our guilt out there....... especially in light of the evidence that the human soul or spirit may reincarnate all over the racial, ethnic, religious and cultural spectrum..... as well as both man and woman?! This is a whole new level of guilt trip..... that I think might just have some artistic and diplomatic potential?! My Rosh ha Shanah apology to you all
Being Metis, I'm torn, on one hand I realize the wrongs done to my people and my Cree kin, on the other hand I am glad it was the Brits and Canadians that came out west and not the Americans. Sitting Bull found refuge from the Americans here in the Cypress Hills under the protection of the Great White Mother, Queen Victoria. Of course Sitting Bull was a enemy of my Cree ancestors and the Cree wanted Sitting bull and his thousands of refugees booted back down to the American long knives. Apologies for the crimes of years gone by will not put the pride back into the aboriginal nor will all that government money. Being a Metis I realize my French side sold diseased blankets at the same time as my Cree half was scalping the Blackfoot people and treating our Cree wives as property to be traded and shared.
Wow!!!!!! JohnnyCanuck...... you have been going through a process strangely similar to my own...... my dad's ancestors.... the Tate's were English and Scottish settlers in Northern Ireland who treated my mom's ancestors, the Malloy's........(from Southern Ireland)..... .. in a manner sometimes even worse than Black slaves were treated! The Irish Slave Trade – The Forgotten “White” Slaves The Slaves That Time Forgot ....
Thank you. I am refraining from a smart ( )o( ) style reply. Serious question. 300 - 400 years ago we had a people whose civilization was neolithic at most advanced, per the White gauge of cultural advancement. Whether native American, (or native if you must), Sub Sahara Africa, Philippines, Polynesia, etc. is there evidence that even over generations "they" can successfully live in a culture that has been through the "Enlightenment" historical period or experienced an equivalent. Sure they have "poster children" success stories but, as a people. "we" can elevate a people from the stone age in 300 - 400 years beyond parroting? Moi
"elevate a people from the stone age' I don't care for that idea at all. It reminds me of my arguing with atheists. They always tell me the reason Christianity is growing in Africa is because they are poor and unschooled. My Bible tells me to spread the gospel not take away a peoples land and way of life. But what is done is done and yes there are prosperous reservations but most are dependants of the government which was how the treaties were set up. I have no guilt for the crimes of my Cree nor French ancestors, I have no bitterness towards what was done in the past. The result of bitterness is what I see on the Samson reservation, an oil rich reservation actually.
Hello Dennis, Yes I had a lot of growing up to do, being a halfbreed adopted into a English Canadian and Danish American family. I was a terror growing up and put my parents through hell several times. But when I was about 19yrs old a change came over me. I found my bitterness towards my birth parents evaporated and my love for my adopted parents grew so strong. I miss them dearly. You mention the relationship between your Irish ancestors. Well my adopted dad came from old English settlers near Wicklow S Ireland on his dad's side and the Scot Irish on his mothers. Anyways there was a long lasting bias against Catholics in the family. My great great granddad had an estate that had been passed down to him and he continued in the family operation of raising horses for those well to do and in power in Ireland back in the early 19th century. Problem was every time there was a rebellion by the catholics, my great great granddad's place was targeted . So there was a small rebellion in the 1830's and this time the Catholic's came on the estate and slaughtered all the livestock and torched all the outbuildings. That was the last straw for him, he sold everything and took great grandad and great great grandma to Canada. They did well until the government expropriated their land to make way for French catholic settlers. Again he and now also with my grandfather purchased land along the Red River and had the experience of meeting Riel in person. So to her dying day my dad's sister never had a nice thing to say about catholics. Yet I loved her dearly and have her shot gun in my Grandpa was a Methodist and Grandma was a Presbyterian. When the Churches joined they ended up leaving in short order and became Baptists. Some time ago I was came a cross my father's voice coming out the computer. I was looking at the Prophetic Bible institute history (you know Preston Manning's dad Ernest) saw my dad's name and clicked on it. He tells the family journey to bethel Baptist. Here he is addressing the congregation, I don't recall it, I was a kid sitting some where in the audience. We actually left for life on the farm a couple years later but returned upon dad's retirement from the farm.
Elevate so individuals have a fair chance at competing in the modern, Euro-American made world. Consider Whites, West of Orthodox Christianity culturally hybridized with Ashkenazim. The Orthodox did not culturally hybridize so they missed out on the Enlightenment as well as the understanding of the gears of capitalism vs feudalism. Spain and its' spin off obviously, didn't make it. Not White enough after 800 years of Moorish dominion? And what of ? White, No Apologies! And Ashkenzi too, 95+% Simple Question: What NOT White Nation is receiving lots and lots of immigrants? Or refugees? AND Why? Furthermore PEOPLE PEOPLE PEOPLE ANSWER THIS! Why Do "they" immigrate to Western, White Nations? The weather? Definition, What White: Whites, West of Orthodox Christianity culturally hybridized with Ashkenazim. The Orthodox did not culturally hybridize so they missed out on the Enlightenment as well as the understanding of the gears of capitalism vs feudalism. Spain and its' spin off obviously, didn't make it. Not White enough after 800 years of Moorish dominion? And what of ? White, No Apologies! And Ashkenzi too, 95+% Simple Question: What NOT White Nation is receiving lots and lots of immigrants? Or refugees? AND Why? It is about social institutions and a manner of thinking that "their kind" were never able to develop nor adopt in their place even if they knew of them. Sort of like the French Revolution leaders knew about the American model but, decided they needed a more French, revolution Consider the successes of Native Americans today who in 300 years came from a neolithic existence to metals, horses, industry, etc. Successes. They must have a few not anglicized featured poster children. How's it go down under and theirs? @Sallyally Consider the possibilities of adopting individuals, if not communities, from cultures that did not experience that period of history and cultural development termed, The Enlightenment. Witness "they" just don't get it. Can we really, in our most liberal spirit, expect "them" to adopt "our" way? Melting Pot, NOT Salad Bowl! Why Do "they" immigrate to Western, White Nations? And let's be proud of why they do and not apologetic! If your Cree wish to live in their ancestral ways, fine. Just don't claim racism because of the percent of Welfare alcoholic such anachronistic life styles create. Show me one neolithic people in the year 1500 who function well in the modern world today. Just one. So many beneficiaries to choose from. Sub Sahara Africa. Polynesia. Australia and Americas native peoples. Gracias. Moi Am troll bait? @Jonsa FYI
I don't think you get me Moi. Was it wrong to colonize N America? I say yes it was judging it from todays standards, but a true historian judges historical events by the standard of the day. This is why I hold no bitterness and am grateful to the fortunate life my adopted parents gave me. I am thankful that the first people could and many do succeed in our modern world, sadly most do not. I am torn, I love my native kin and realize that so much was taken from them in such a short period of time. No, not even you in 1500 would function well in todays world. But you would adjust quicker to it than a Cree. When I refer to whites I am referring to colonization of what is today Canada, this was started by the French and then the English. I never claimed racism because of the condition in the native communities. A Cree man that beats his wife when he drinks should shoulder the blame, yet I am not so pig headed and stupid that I refuse to realize the truth, the British brought the booze to my Cree kin and it continues to kill them. I just accept history as it really happened. To ignore or white wash the wrongs done to the aboriginal peoples by the British, French, Spanish, Russian, Canadian and American governments is wrong. Why not just accept history as it happened. It is OK to be a proud American that accepts the sins done to the first nations by your past governments. I am a lover of history and accept it in all it's glory and horror and I am smart enough to know past wrongs have resulted in modern problems. I believe in immigration, sensible immigration that is. My adopted grandparents on mom's side immigrated to the USA from Denmark, mom was born in Nebraska, in 1930 they left Nebraska and immigrated to God's country, Alberta Canada. In 1952 mom became a Canadian citizen.
Aha ha......... yes... Chris Helmsworth for the role of AboveAlpha if this idea over in Creative Corner takes off:
Update..... Mr. Peter MacKay has officially entered the 2020 CPC leadership race.
And for all of his many, many, many flaws... the newly re-elected P. M. Justin Trudeau could actually do something that would fit with what President Trump has gotten accomplished...... After the Abraham Peace Accord turn deserts green... If by February of 2021 President Trump is still President of the USA.. then Canada's Liberal Party and Prime Minister.... should do some serious rethinking of their approach toward stabilization of the climate......
Update....... on this entire topic..... that takes all of this into the present from 2016 when I first spoke one on one with M. P. Sean Fraser. Should Chris Sky take over Canada's Liberal Party or join the PPC??? One topic that M. P. Sean Fraser and I can both agree on is that it is important to try our best to keep the province of Alberta within Canadian Confederation..... within the Dominion of Canada as some might word it. I could be wrong but I suspect that M. P. Sean Fraser may consider my methodology to be too risky............. I want to go with the opening gambit that the province of Alberta is being pressured toward joining the USA by the policies of P. M. Justin Trudeau..... Proposed Republic of Western Canada and Unified Field Theory of M.W.P.
Well said JohnnyCanuck! Although 2015 was only seven years back.... what has happened here in Canada since that time is actually shocking!!!!!! LOL! Many Mafia families spent serious bucks to ensure that their children and grandchildren were educated to the teeth!!!