This may help to explain why all those dead zones are popping up in the oceans? ChristopherABrown elaborates here:
Cool, getting the facts out about what happened in California is excellent, because no one knows. Media would not touch it, because biology (UCSB) would not touch it, but all of the algae disappeared from coastal creeks, then the frogs left, then the birds, then the fish. And nobody noticed. Right in the middle of Santa Barbara California(?) Where earth day started? Yea, that is what happened. If its not an environmental event worth noting, is a mental event that should be seen?
Your source is crap. Many of the dead zones can be traced back to the use of fertilizers which cause an explosion of algae blooms that then collapses and the decomposition consumes the oxygen available in the water as part of the decomposition process. This is evidenced by seasonal dead zones that correspond with fertilizer consumption.
Uncle Ferd says, "If water repels oxygen... ... then all ya got left is hydrogen... ... mebbe dey stumbled onto a way to create hydrogen from water."
Good post! I really liked how the film "Cowspiracy" explained this important aspect of environmental damage that you are referring to! I am worried about MTBE as well as the fertilizers being used in agriculture and also about sulfur dioxide and a number of other major factors involved in a major way in what is happening!
AboveAlpha wrote a good post a while back on another reason why the frogs are disappearing. Ocean acidification... This trend of the oceans becoming more acidic could in fact be more dangerous even than global warming. A number of breeds of snails now have very weak shells. ...(post #1......
I agree with the dead zones in oceans, far too much volume involved at sea for what impacts the creeks. However there can be minimal marine impacts from the creeks. Locally there were very high ecoli measurements in the surf line right after rains. Far higher than ever in the past. Creek water rich from nitrogen that used to be consumed by algae that was prevented by MTBE, instead went out to mix with sewer outfall water very high in bacteria. The result was dangerously high levels of ecoli for about a week. So high that signs were posted by the city. However, biologists appear to have colluded to attribute this to dog poop washing into the creeks. Of course they were ignorant of the death of the algae in the creeks because media refused to publicize the fact that creeks in the mountains where oxygen was always missing into the tumbling water supported mass algae filimintis had lost their algae. Despite written requests to the community environmental council who sponsors earth day here, to request media attention to the creeks missing their annual algae, the non profits refused. The environmental defense center also refused despite over 1/2 dozen declarations stating that algae was gone. Accordingly, I'm not sure that non profits should be supported, and instead, individuals in local situations should receive the support. Not necessarily all economic either. The notion of fulfilling a responsibility to environmental interests by donations to non profits is seriously flawed. Seeing as courts always favor corporations, they cannot even be sued for fraud. Basically a scam. Of course there are those that do their job. They need to go after the ACLU jointly to make sure the ACLU enables pro se civil suits for fraud against non profits. What morass of BS taxation and exemption has caused. Basically a form of corruption.
Brilliant reply Christopher! I quoted you in full over to this related topic: A massive reevaluation of national wealth must occur in order to finance.... ..... the shift over to a truly green and sustainable economy! I just got back a brilliant summary of the numbers for the national wealth of the world's leading economies but....... ... it is apparent to me that we must look at these numbers and rethink the entire formula....... if we wish to finance the shift over to a truly green, truly sustainable economy.... and do it with the minimum amount of economic, political and social upheaval?!
Climate change bad fer bullfrogs, good fer octopuses... Unabated Amphibian Decline Found to Have Myriad Causes May 23, 2016 - Researchers say there is not one 'smoking gun' to explain why amphibians have been disappearing from their habitats See also: The Calamari Are Coming! May 23, 2016 - Scientists say cephalopods like this Giant Australian Cuttlefish are thriving as the oceans
I have the fattest toad ever bouncing around my house at night. I think he comes out to eat the bugs the porch light draws in. Don't really hear/see as many frogs anymore.
About fifty years ago when I was about seven years old, I remember trips to New Glasgow where thousands and thousands of frogs or toads would be crossing the highway. I only see a few these last years even though I drive a lot. Something is happening to them.....
In my area it is loss of habitat and breeding grounds. When I was little, the golf course had tons of frogs and toads. They basically all disappeared when they decided to start dying the ponds, installing fountains in the ponds, draining wet areas, landscaping the tree lines, etc. Frogs needs relatively calm water to lay their eggs in, and of course, plenty of insects to eat. Used to be draining a wet area was a lot of money and labor. Now you can buy a few truck loads of gravel and throw down some cheap corrugated pipe and you are off to the races. I have been trying to figure out ways to co-exist with little critters by leaving my property less than magazine cover photograph ready at all times. I have seen a few more toads and terrapins since I started this effort, salamanders too, but it is a matter of finding the right balance for them, for my usage, and to comply with zoning laws that regulate things like grass height, keeping trees back from power lines and road frontage, etc. I would love to build a proper pond on the property, but then I would have to fence it in to keep trespassing children from drowning in it and just to get the permits/approvals would be a royal pain. I seldom mow everything at once. Except for around the house, I do things in phases so there is always longer, thicker grassy areas for the critters to run to. I also mow very slow keeping an eye out for terrapins, and give the toads time to hop on out the way.