Am I a blithering idiot to think that this could work????? In my opinion.... An Unconditional but Taxable Basic Minimum Income to all forty one million Canadians of merely five hundred dollars per month........ that is put into the economy in essentially the same manner as the Bank of Canada policy of 1938 to 1974 should....... in my opinion...... PAY DOWN THE DEFICIT....... AND SOON THE NATIONAL DEBT OF CANADA..... AT THE RATE OF ABOUT TWENTY BILLION DOLLARS PER MONTH!!!!! This idea is so simple that this may scare you!!!!! Forty one million Canadian citizens and legal residents...... if they each receive FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS CANADIAN...... CREATED IN THE MANNER THAT MS. BETTY KRAWCZYK RECOMMENTS...... [in a way that creates essentially zero COMPOUND INTEREST OWING OVER TIME]...... THEN AFTER this money turns over about three times in the economy...... it will be taxed back into the Treasury....... and will begin to pay down... .first the Deficit and soon The national Debt of Canada?????? Essentially this same idea can work in the USA as well!
In my opinion economists Harold Chorney... John Hotson and Mario Seccarrecia are three of the best minds in Canada when it comes to this topic. But the idea of putting this money into the economy through a B. M. I. is one that I stole from economist Milton Friedman..... and then updated his idea to our modern situation.
After P. M. Pierre E. Trudeau's colossal error here is how the national debt of Canada spiralled out of control: My guess is that he was pressured into doing this so that the same thing could be arranged in the USA: Can we learn about the Washington Swamp from the Ottawa Swamp? ? Does the Ottawa Swamp and the Washington Swamp have the common denominator of ELITISM? NO 2 vote(s) 22.2% * YES 6 vote(s) 66.7% I am not sure but this is an intriguing theory that I may research further????? 1 vote(s) 11.1% Change Your Vote And both images can be seen here:
Those three brilliant Canadian economists theorized that political leaders love The Deficit... because it gives them the perfect excuse to do essentially nothing about homelessness....... or poverty.. or increasing wages more than inflation.... or.... or.... or.....! MONEY acts in the economy much like BLOOD within a human body........ if a body is drained of blood.... it will die...... If an economy is drained of money... that economy will die!
......[/QUOTE] Do Biden's advisors and Trudeau's advisors seem to want to crash the markets? ? Do Biden's advisors want to create an economic crisis? No 9 vote(s) 40.9% * Yes 11 vote(s) 50.0% I certainly hope not???? 2 vote(s) 9.1% I hope so... because I know how to invest no matter which way this goes! 0 vote(s) 0.0% Change Your Vote
Is it possible that Canada's Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau may have been attempting to save the world ENVIRONMENT from overly PRODUCTIVE Canadians through his rather obvious error back in 1974????? Is this statement one of the most insightful paragraphs ever written on the productive capability of human beings..... [or Canadians].... if they can agree that a project is important and worth investing money and time and talent and effort in? "And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do." (Genesis 11) Thomas Robert Malthus was an Anglican priest who understood this principle quite well... and yes.... there is a legitimate PESSIMISTIC way to view all of this! Ecclesiastes 10:19 "A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things. " Do economists who are worried about us Canadians becoming OVERLY PRODUCTIVE understand that one of the only ways to slow us down........ is to use COMPOUND INTEREST OVER TIME... to make it look on paper as if we are BANKRUPT????? I wrote something about this in my 2004 campaign..... My 2006, 2008, 2016 and 2004 campaign writings as ART. ? Is the world economy being deliberately dampened, perhaps to save the environment? * Yes 3 vote(s) 75.0% No 0 vote(s) 0.0% Maybe????? 1 vote(s) 25.0% Change Your Vote [/quote][/quote]
In my opinion..... The Ruach ha Kodesh is getting involved in Canadian politics..... specifically in the 2024 Mississauga by - election for Mayor. 2024 Mayor of Mississauga By-election. I am truly impressed that Mayor Hazel McCallion's only child has a deep concern for the homeless people of Mississauga and the entire Greater Toronto Area. 2024 Mayor of Mississauga By-election. Peter McCallion|Son of Hazel McCallion contemplating run in Mississauga byelection. It seems pretty obvious that Mr. Peter McCallion would never have enforced Ms. Carolyn Parrish if he did not believe that she shares his concerns for the homeless people of Mississauga and all of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area! And on that note:
So..... Shabbat Shalom everybody....... and now you are all set up to better understand the following quotation..... Dr. Kevin Zadai, Prayer Secrets Level 1, Warrior Notes School of Ministry, lesson 4 : Can the national debt of the USA be paid off in one year? ? Can the national debt of the USA be paid off in one year? No 42 vote(s) 85.7% Yes 4 vote(s) 8.2% * No.. it will take seven years and Ezekiel chapters forty to forty eight must be prepared for. 2 vote(s) 4.1% By this do you mean that the national debt of the USA is partly a practical joke??????? 1 vote(s) 2.0% Change Your Vote I AM PROFOUNDLY ENCOURAGED BY THE FACT THAT OVER FOURTEEN PERCENT OF THE WRITERS AND POSTERS ON POLITICAL FORUM ACTUALLY HAVE A PRETTY GOOD UNDERSTANDING OF ECONOMICS!!!!!!!!!!! THE CURRENCY OF HEAVEN IS SOULS!!!!!! What Happens The Day Before You Hear "I Never Knew You"
Increasing awareness of how an experiment in economics may have greatly assisted F. D. R. to initiate The New Deal could theoretically play a huge role in helping all of this to come together over the coming months and years?
You will have to explain what this means, precisely what you are referring to. Are we talking about some kind of minimum wage? Or employers will be forbidden from hiring workers unless they pay at least the minimum amount? Hopefully you aren't imagining government would pay this money and then that would somehow solve the deficit? (Because that would not seem to make much logical sense, and you provided no explanation about that)
No.... basically this would be like giving five hundred Northern Pesos.... [Canadian Dollars] to all legal Canadian Citizens each month.................. ....... So forty one million Canadians x 500 dollars per month will be a little over twenty billion dollars Canadian per month........ If Canadians claim to be Pro-Life they should tend to take this option very seriously........ because I am certain that the percentage drop in Canadian women feeling PRESSURED into having an abortion due to the possibility of ending up in poverty on Social Assistance as happens to so many single mothers here in Canada should be much less of a fear considering that a family of one mother and two children would get this Basic Minimum Income supplement of five hundred plus five hundred plus five hundred which will equal fifteen hundred dollars per month income supplement for all three of them. This is NOT my idea..... this was proposed by Economist Milton Friedman but I simply updated his concept to the cost of living now in 2024...... .... [ incidentally... this would also give the fathers of unborn children some extra money that could be taken from the dad and given to the single mom as child support]!? In 2024... if the truth on this topic does not come out then Members of Parliament will certainly spend far more than this sum of money on behalf of each Canadian by making sure that their billionaire buddies are backed up in their version of Trickle Down Economics...... that is of course greatly preferred in ELITIST OTTAWA!!!!! Your theology and a Basic Minimum Income? Would a Basic Minimum Income dramatically reduce abortions? ? Will a Minimum Basic Income dramatically reduce the incidence of abortions? Perhaps by 1- 10 percent over the present rate. 5 vote(s) 55.6% Perhaps by 11 to twenty percent over the present rate. 0 vote(s) 0.0% Perhaps twenty one to thirty percent over the present rate. 1 vote(s) 11.1% * Perhaps by even more than by thirty percent? 3 vote(s) 33.3% Change Your Vote
So let me understand this... You think giving out free money is somehow going to pay down the deficit and national debt?? I'd really like you to explain the economics of that one, if you can.
Compound Interest over time has been used to cause the national debts of the USA and Canada to spiral out of control since 1974. From 1938 to 1974 the Bank of Canada was used to put money into the Canadian economy in such a way that the net interest cost to Canadian taxpayers was essentially zero. [The only costs were the wages of the workers at the Bank of Canada]. The 1938 to 1974 Bank of Canada policy was so intelligent, wise and brilliant...... that it scared BigBanking people in London...,... and even Switzerland! They used Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau in 1974 to stop the 1938 to 1974 Bank of Canada policy from continuing. My theory is that this was done in order to pull off a deception on ninety nine point nine percent of American citizens...... and to some degree even on Americans with a degree in economics!!!!!!???? If you are up for it the most informative article on this is by three Canadian economists named Harold Chorney, John Hotson and Mario Seccarrecia. Appendix B – The Bank of Canada Must Finance our Country, Debt-Free Say Three Economists français (An article published in the March-April, 1995 issue of the Michael Journal. The introduction and comments are from Alain Pilote.) If forty one million Canadians continue to believe in the con job that they have been hit with since 1974.... that is certainly their choice... . and if they do then P. M. Justin Trudeau and those who are elected to the office of Members of Parliament will continue to spend and spend and spend and spend on projects VASTLY LESS LOGICAL AND BENEFICIAL THAN A PALTRY FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR PER MONTH BASIC MINIMUM INCOME THAT IS UNCONDITIONAL.... BUT TAXABLE!!!!! As that extra twenty billion dollars goes into the economy it would be taxed back into the treasury after it turns over three times....... which would soon begin to pay down the DEFICIT by the rate of about twenty billion dollars per month... and soon the national debt of Canada would begin to be reduced at the same rate! That is my understanding of this astonishingly simple idea anyway????!!!!!
Am I INCORRECT and naive to strongly suspect that the logical progression of events IF Canada were to introduce an Unconditional but Taxable Basic Minimum Income based on the brilliant 1938 to 1974 Bank of Canada policy might be: Please NOTE that over the coming months and perhaps even year or two... BIGMEDIA will attempt to convince the average American and the average Canadian that a Bear Market..... [ok... the formula for a Bear Market].... is better than the formula for a Bull Market and a Real Estate boom even in rural America and Canada! Could a real estate boom plus better Fed policy pay off USA national debt?
One of the best writers on this topic that I have ever found online just sent me a message...... it seems that he is close to being on the same page that you are. J. M. and I met over a decade ago...... if I remember correctly it was when I was attempting to mount a campaign to rival Mr. Justin Trudeau for the office of National Leader of Canada's Liberal Party. I personally believe that J. M. has UNDERESTIMATED the extent of the CLAWBACK EFFECT that Compound Interest Over Time truly has on the money supply of Canada....... especially when the rather brilliant 1938 to 1974 methods are NOT being used?! IF PRIVATE BANKS ARE USED TO CREATE NINETY EIGHT PERCENT OF THE MONEY SUPPLY OF CANADIAN DOLLARS...... then if the interest rate ... is for example three or four percent...... then in the first year in which an extra billion dollars may be added to the annual Money Supply of Canada... then in that first year alone if three percent interest were to be charged on that billion dollars.... then within twelve months.... three percent of a billion dollars Canadian...... [ thirty million Canadian Dollars] has been CLAWED BACK OUT OF THE MONEY SUPPLY OF CANADA!!!! IT IS TOO BAD THAT MR. JAGMEET SINGH SEEMS TO LACK THE LEVEL OF INTELLECTUAL COURAGE THAT MR. JACK LAYTON HAD!!!!!!???
wages used to rise faster, as did inflation this of course makes old debt worth less and easier to pay off
Maybe... near death experiencer Kevin Zadai Th. D. was shown to write that there was a way to pay off even the national debt of the U.S.A. The national debt of Canada is merely a fraction of the national debt of the United States. Can the national debt of the USA be paid off in one year? Also....... a Pastor Rick Joyner had a series of visionary dreams in 1994 or 1995 that had many common elements to a near death experience account....... and he wrote....... Moses - Moshe met with YHWH on at least two occasions....... and meeting with our Creator does tend to bring any of us very close to death itself. Moses wrote: Genesis 11: 6 And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. 7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. 8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. 9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. Thomas Malthus was an Anglican Priest who did have a grasp of the amazing hidden meaning in this verse...... but... Malthus was PESSIMISTIC and could not visualize humanity accomplishing positive things...... such as was shown to near death experiencer and former Atheist Mellen Benedict......... Thomas Malthus could only imagine the common people having too many children and grandchildren.... and their over burdening the ability of the land to produce food......... so...... Malthus wrote Malthusian Catastrophe Theory in 1798..... partly as a method of sticking up for the monarchs and aristocracy of Europe....... and their methods to keep the common people DIVIDED... and in competition with each other over what they were allowed to produce. I actually was introduced to Malthus here on Political Forum..... My 2006, 2008, 2016 and 2004 campaign writings as ART. And yes..... near death experiencer and former Atheist Howard Storm also got me thinking about how humanity could in theory come together...... cooperate....and alter the future in many positive ways. [Near death experiencer Howard Storm.....]
Yes...... from 1938 to 1974 a rather brilliant Bank of Canada policy was being used only a few hundred miles north of Washington, D. C. which....... .... put pressure on American political leaders to behave at least a little bit like their counterparts here in Canada. This is why I strongly suspect that the major leaders in European banking........ wanted to convince Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau to STOP that extremely effective Bank of Canada policy from being used in the future........ how else could they cause the national debts of Canada and the USA to spiral seemingly out of control.......... ..... Yes...... from 1938 to 1974 a rather brilliant Bank of Canada policy was being used only a few hundred miles north of Washington, D. C. which....... .... put pressure on American political leaders to behave at least a little bit like their counterparts here in Canada. This is why I strongly suspect that the major leaders in European banking........ wanted to convince Prime Minister Pierre E. Trudeau to STOP that extremely effective Bank of Canada policy from being used in the future........ how else could they cause the national debts of Canada and the USA to spiral seemingly out of control.......... ..... but... the wealthiest of the wealthy already know how to benefit greatly during an inflationary cycle! ...... I consider this to be one of the most important implications of the following two graphs...... and.....
Good point Bullseye...... what some near death experiencers have been shown about an astonishingly positive future... would tend to be viewed as insanity by the most educated people of 2024?! Near death experiencer and former Atheist Mellen Thomas Benedict was shown a 2024 to 2035 version of multiverse....... that is supposed to be astonishingly positive in terms of how things are about to turn around in many good ways. [Mellen Thomas Benedict] Could it be that Trump can inspire the G.O.P. to accomplish something positive over the next eight to ten years??????. Mellen Thomas Benedict's near death experience was in 1982 if I remember fifty years from then will be 2032!