to me, some of the best evidence to be examined isn't experiments done years later or theories posted by people speculating but eye witness accounts published in the days and weeks following the event and the videos made that day. for example, the video made by the Naudet brothers...and the dozens of videos posted by amateurs on Youtube and other places. The comments made IN the moment...those have more weight.. books like "September 11: An Oral History" printed in 2002 or "102 Minutes" by Jim Dwyer and Kevin Flynn; that give first hand accounts taken from transcripts and personal interviews. The inconsequential details are the most the dead body in a plane seat in the courtyard by the north tower that Earnest Armstead mentions in passing as he tells about his horrific encounter with a dying woman.. or Ed Stawarz, standing on the roof of the Federal Reserve with maint personnel watching the plane fly by and reading the words American Airlines and seeing the people in the windows... not too long after 2002, most of the books were pulled from local bookstores and I never see them offered at discount chains...can anyone suggest more books? also, "102 Minutes" goes into some interesting details about the fireproofing (or inadequacies of) and reports that in 1993 an arsonist had set fire to three floors and the floors had sagged....this is pretty interesting considering how small those fires were and how big the fires were on 9/11. There had been reports, according to this book, about the fireproofing falling off the steel beams and that the Twin Towers were being retrofitted with double the fire proofing originally deemed necessary but they were doing it piecemeal as the various floors were renovated. reading some of the threads here and elsewhere, it's easy to start wondering and doubting but going back and reading and watching the original information has reaffirmed my belief that 9/11 happened just as it was reported.