My two somewhat humorous submissions for $25 million Virgin Earth Challenge.

Discussion in 'Humor & Satire' started by DennisTate, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    If you are up for some ideas that are rather funny........
    but depressing......
    they are after the seven minute mark in this video........

    The Carl Cantrell plan is obviously far, far, far, far, far better than the idea of putting chalk dust into the atmosphere?????????

  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    This short video will help you to understand why I tend to be more than a little biased on this whole topic.

    When could Nova Scotia become an island?

  3. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    PREDICTION.....People with an accent from India and / or Nepal are going to play an instrumental role in bringing the world to the application of "Unified Field Theory of Modern World Problems!"
    I say this because if a considerable amount of cracking and sliding of ice were to occur on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet........ twenty to a hundred million climate change refugees could be created in Bangladesh..........

    and it is likely that at least ten percent of them will go to India....... which gives the nation of India and everybody with relatives in India an incentive to be willing to promote the Carl Cantrell theory on stabilization of the climate.... and....
    the ancient Islamic prediction that in the Last Hour deserts would be turned green at the same time that money becomes so abundant that Muslims who want to give charity..... cannot find anybody willing to accept charity???????

  4. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    In my opinion a Carbon Tax is somewhat like straining out gusts.... while swallowing camels..... which is NOT a good idea......

    A Carbon Tax leads us to an idea like "Innovation to zero"....
    which sets us up to become rather Malthusian..... like the character Thanos on The Avengers movies?????!

    Turning deserts green is a much more practical goal for us humans to unite around.....
    partly because every cubic meter of ocean water that would be desalinated and added to the water table of
    a nation with lots of desert would make Bangladesh a lot safer from the threat of rising ocean levels......

    ‘The Fuse Has Been Blown,’ and the Doomsday Glacier Is Coming for Us All

    Jeff Goodell
    December 29, 2021

    Last edited: Jan 16, 2022
  5. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    In a way.... I have been attempting to fit in with the Effective Altruism movement......
    I think that teaching English as a second language in Quito, Ecuador played a huge role in inspiring me to write and write and write and write online
    troubleshooting really big global problems.

    The virtuous few: How effective altruists are doing good better[​IMG]
    By Krista Hessey " style="box-sizing: border-box; display: inline-block;">Global News
    March 5, 2022
    16 min read

    Because I moved in December of 2021 from Nova Scotia to Mississauga, Ontario, Canada I am now in a position to promote an alternative theory to the Bill Gates / Al Gore, "Innovation to zero" based on a Carbon Tax theory related to "Unified Field Theory of Modern World Problems."

    IN MY OPINION AN ANCIENT ISLAMIC PREDICTION GIVES THE BEST POSSIBLE RESPONSE TO THE IMPENDING BEAR MARKET, (another 1929), that the wealthiest of the wealthy and their supporters in BigGobernment, BigPharma, BigMedia, BigOil and BigBanking seem to be driving the world economy toward??????

    Last edited: Mar 5, 2022
  6. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Warning... the language in this short little video by Mr. Jordan Peterson is not politically correct but......
    he is certainly funny..... and he is correct.... . and voila......... all we really need to do is get white collar workers to
    agree with blue collar workers..... that we need to people's CAR ALONE........................... IF WE CAN DIVERT WHITE COLLAR WORKERS INTO SUPPORTING DESERTS GREEN.......

    Jordan Peterson on censorship!!!!!!!!

    I wonder can sixteen million Latter day Saints, The Mormons, save us from censorship...... and help us to be able to keep our getting white collar workers away from supporting the Al Gore Carbon Tax Theory.... .and the Bill Gates Innovation to zero theory that is founded on top of the Al Gore Carbon Tax Theory????????!!!!!!!

    Brigham Young University in Jerusalem and peace in the Middle East

    In my opinion Latter day Saints, specifically the students and faculty at Brigham Young University in Jerusalem are in a position to bring a massive shift to the entire Middle East...... and divert the economy of the Middle East away from warfare and in a direction that will be win - win - win - win - win - win - win for Israel, Jordan, The Palestinians, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and all Middle Eastern nations........

    I believe that Latter day Saints will catch onto how most of us Christians have refused to obey this admonition from Jesus.....

    "Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver theeto the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, andthou be cast into prison." (Matthew 5:25)

    This tendency to agree with our adversaries can begin with agreement on one topic... .one subject that we can find common ground on.... .but then Jesus can help that agreement to increase and increase and increase......

    Here is the ancient Islamic prediction that I feel Latter day Saints WILL BE WILLING TO AGREE WITH and I believe that research on the advantages to this will happen from B.Y.U. in Jerusalem......

    Book 005, Number 2208:
    "Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (way peace be upon him) as saying: The Last Hour will not come before wealth becomes abundant and overflowing, so much so that a man takes Zakat out of his property and cannot find anyone to accept it from him and till the land of Arabia becomes meadows and rivers."
    SAHIH MUSLIM, BOOK 25: The Book on General Behaviour (Kitab Al-Adab)

    New Mexico biologist and Coach Carl Cantrell has written this up in a manner that can help Christians, Jews and Muslims to take a whole new look at the wisdom hidden in Isaiah chapter thirty five.

    New Mexico biologist and coach Car. Cantrell.....
    “"So how is our problem of continental drying causing global warming? It all has to do with vegetation and sunlight. When sun light hits a plant, it causes a process which we call photosynthesis where the energy from the sun light creates oxygen for us to breath, water for us to drink, and is stored as sugar for plants and animals to use. When the same sun light hits the soil, all of its energy turns into heat and is radiated back into the atmosphere, carried away by running surface water such as rain fall, is carried away to other areas by our winds, and diffuses down into the soil towards the earth's crust. All of this warms our planet increasing its average temperature.”

    “Therefore, the less vegetation you have on the planet, the more sunlight is being turned into heat and the warmer the planet becomes. This is very critical because warmer and dryer winds dry out other land areas faster decreasing the vegetation on those land areas. Less humidity in the air also reflects less sun light back out into space so that more sun light strikes the earth and more heat is generated….”

    “The truth is that you can do more to decrease global warming by just reducing the average temperature for the Sahara Desert by one or two degrees than if we humans completely quit using fossil fuels and returned to the cave….”

    “So, how would you start working to resolve this problem? Easy, cool the deserts and get some vegetation growing on them as soon as possible. But the method is much more complex than that. You have to use the prevailing trade winds in relation to the deserts to get the best results as quickly as possible and it will be extremely expensive….”

    “Then we build desalination plants along the coast near these water sheds and pipe water to the tops or ridges of the water sheds…”

    “This will do a number of things. First, it will increase the moisture in the desert soil so that it will develop water tables and water will begin to run in the streams. This water will increase the amount of vegetation in the area and decrease the amount of heat being generated by sun light cooling the watered area and all areas down wind of the watered area. As more available water evaporates, it will cool the air and reflect more sun light back out into space cooling the area even more. Cooler and more humid air will have less of a heating effect on areas down wind and will reflect more sun light back into space in those areas cooling areas we won't be watering yet. Cooler and more humid air will also have less of a warming effect on our seas and oceans.”

    “Rain water running off of cooler soil will decrease the heating effect on our oceans and our planet crusts which will decrease catastrophic storm activities for other areas and seismic activity for the entire planet. Also, returning more ocean water to the surface and aquifers of our continents will lower the sea levels providing more usable land for us to farm and build on.”

    “With cooler desert areas and increasing vegetation, less water will evaporate from our deserts increasing the amount of surface water even more and increasing the amount of vegetation and animal life by huge amounts because deserts currently take up more than 20% of our land surface. Populations will be able to spread out and there will be less competition for existing land areas.”

    “This strategy has to be done in steps with the first step being to begin slowing the rate at which our global warming is increasing. We need to focus on that until we have brought it to a point to where the temperature is not increasing any more and is reasonably stable. While we are doing this, we need to come to a global consensus of just how cool we want to cool our planet down to. If we cool it down too much, we will begin to have devastatingly harsh winters in large populated areas and even cause an ice age to set in.”

    “Then we begin cooling the planet down to a point which will be most beneficial for all countries or the planet as a whole. We need to gradually bring the temperature down because there may be a lag effect in which the planet will continue cooling after we stop increasing our efforts to cool it off more. We may even want to stop cooling the planet once or twice before we reach our targeted temperatures to see if there is a lag effect…”

    “We need to start working on this as soon as possible because, if the planet reaches a point to where it is warming faster than our technology can possibly stop or reverse this warming trend, then our planet is lost and all life will cease to exist on this planet within a relatively short period of time. We will need to start with the largest and hottest deserts because cooling them will have the greatest benefit in the least time. (Global Warming II by biologist Carl Cantrell).”

    Matthew 5:44
    "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;"

    Last edited: Oct 23, 2022
  7. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    From a funny Meme on Mewe.....



    NOVEMBER 8 HAS A NICE RING TO IT AS WELL..... 8-11-22!!!!!!!!!

    "FAUCI === 200 million !!!" (C. J., Biden Administration Watch, Mewe group).

    And without the Al Gore Carbon Tax Theory.... and the Bill Gates "Innovation to zero" theory.... Fauci could not have pulled off all those deaths......
    ...... No wonder they did not like my and Carl's submission..... too simple and it was in agreement with Isaiah chapter thirty five!!!!!

    If average ocean levels were to rise by ten centimeters.... .would
    the multiplier effect of the geography of the Bay of Fundy continue?
    The fact that the Bay of Fundy funnels tidal waters plus......
    it is over 170 miles long, (274 kms), it produces high tide level that are tenX to fifteenX over the difference in tidal waters where I live.
    So... could high tide levels near TRuro, N. S. to Moncton, N. B. be up by a meter or more if average ocean levels were to rise by ten centimeters?

    ...... The fact that I drove by the Bay of Fundy hundreds of times in my sixty three years causes this question to be on my mind far more so than if I had never seen the Bay of Fundy Tidal Bore coming in. This is one of the reasons why I like the alternative theory on stabilization of the climate by New Mexico biologist and coach Carl Cantrell so much!
    Every cubic meter of ocean water that is desalinated and added to the water table of a nation with lots of desert is really good news for the owners of the real estate along The Bay of Fundy between the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and the State of Maine!

    Carl Cantrell.....

    "Dr James Hansen, Director of NASA';s Goddard Institute for Space Studies: "I think we have a very brief window of opportunity to deal with climate change ... no longer than a decade, at the most. This is why I am supporting the Virgin Earth Challenge as a judge " we must explore all means, both known and unknown, to help alleviate this crisis."

    Dennis Tate
    March 15, 2007

    Sir Richard Branson
    Virgin Earth Challenge
    120 Campden Hill Road
    London W8 7AR
    United Kingdom

    Dear Mr. Branson:

    It is my firm belief that the number one technological device to reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases has already been invented. It is the tree.

    What is desperately needed at this time is not necessarily a new mechanical device but instead a paradigm shift in economic theory regarding monetary policy. We require a readily understandable explanation on how leaders in business and government can direct not only millions, but actually trillions of dollars of investment into combating global warming.

    One of the most effective practical methods that could be put into place in the least amount of time would be dozens of the largest possible desalinization plants all along the Mediterranean and Red Seas. Huge quantities of fresh water could be dripped onto the Sinai and Sahara deserts and voila, well chosen species of newly planted fast growing trees could soon change the color of these relatively desolate areas, significantly reduce atmospheric CO2, positively affect local weather patterns and at the same time significantly counterbalance the increases in worldwide ocean levels as the polar ice caps melt. This will buy us some extra time and thus expand the "very brief window of opportunity to deal with climate change."

    So who is going to finance the construction of all these massive installations not to mention the planting of all those seedling trees?

    I believe that it is possible for you to do this yourself Mr. Branson. You have already created a Virgin currency unit/coupon which has astonishing long term potential. My wife Maria Jose just returned from a two week trip to the British VIRGIN Islands. It is theoretically possible to link your Virgin coupon with the national currency of a small nation and you could soon be playing around in macro-economics. Considering the volume of business being done through your Virgin Group I would submit that you already are.

    Pope Benedict XVI may be in an even stronger position than you Mr. Branson to transform the world economy virtually overnight through the introduction of a new Vatican Currency Unit that could be linked with each and every national currency where the Vatican State is free to do business.

    I plan to elaborate in great detail on these two major alternatives in a later writing but I felt that you and your staff should now see the simple explanation that I wrote up for applying this theory within a micro-economy to greatly reduce unemployment. Although combating global warming would seem to be a conflicting goal to job creation, there need be no dissonance when we all have a better grasp of the big picture.

    I ran as an independent for the office of MLA in the most recent Nova Scotia provincial election.

    Dennis Tate primary campaign writing for June 13/06 election



    JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES Published October 24, 2022 213,062 Views

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