Navdy - a tale of a startup and the worst customer treatment I have known

Discussion in 'Computers & Tech' started by Bluesguy, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. Bluesguy

    Bluesguy Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Perhaps some of you have heard about Navdy. and A heads up display unit for you car which is/was supposed to bring hands free heads up display capability to any car.

    I first saw the promotion back in August of 2014 and with the intro "be an early supporter" offer of $299 versus planned retail of $499 and being a tech geek gave them my order which they charged to my credit card. I had never purchased something on a preorder like this or anything on the couple of websites where startups go to get funding these days. But looked interesting and the price was good. Shipments were to begin Spring of 2015.

    Well Spring came and went and announcement that it would be December of 2015. That also came and went but were told they were out in beta testing and in fact they refunded $20 of the price. Told that preorders would ship no later than March 2016 and on a direct inquirey to them was assured being one of the very early pre-orders I would be in the first shipment.

    Well March comes and an announcement that they had to change the lens and when it went to production they had problems but expect by June the unit would ship and that we would recieve an email requesting our shipment address to insure they were correct and units would ship by the end of June. And that if we want to cancel our orders we could on the website.

    The middle of June comes and we are asking on the Facebook page and being reassured yes on schedule. I get my email to update my shipping address and wait with anticipation that FINALLY my unit is shipping. Then on about June 23 there is an announcement of their "Explorer Program" and we would be getting an "exciting email" about it, this to go along with every email saying how excited we would be when we receive our units. Well what they were actually saying is that those of us with pre-orders could have our shipment made if we signed an agreement that says we would not discuss the unit with anyone, not take any pictures of the unit, would not even display it to anyone else else we violate the agreement AND that Navdy is indemnified of any legal actions resulting from the use of the unit. An attorney who was a pre-order quickly posted on the Facebook page that NO ONE should sign that agreement particularly because of that clause. Navdy has since deleted a huge number of post on the FB page.

    Of course many if not most complained about this sudden development after being assure units would ship in order of purchase and no mention having to give up our consumer rights. I even accused them of blackmailing customers in order to receive their units and was subsequently banned from posting on the website page. Email inquiries were met with, you are free to cancel your order. There public responses were that no one is required to join the Explorer program but if you don't then shipment would be in September now when the "public" release was not scheduled.

    Lots of pictures of boxes on pallets but no pictures of actual units and of course if people who did sign the agreement and got their units, they are banned from saying so or discussing it or showing pictures of it. They are not taking new orders for units either.

    Now think about it, they have to ship me a unit for my now $279 dollars, or they can try to get me to cancel and then sell the unit to someone else for $499, I heard that the final price may be $599. So at this point I am sticking them out and may in the end put mine on Ebay for say $399 just to screw them. IF a big IF they actually have working units to even ship.

    AND those who live out of country, there is not even a projected date as to when their units will be shipped and they were not allowed into the Explorer program.

    This will be the last time I ever participate in one of these start-up pre-order programs due to this probably the worst customer service I have ever seen with a product. There are other units coming to market which in fact appear to have more function. Is it a sham, don't know yet. Will they actually ship units, don't know.

    Another high tech buyer be ware story.

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