SOS: Major False Flag Ship Attack on U.S. Navy in Mediterranean Planned as Pretext for World War III Now many start to say that this is a conspiracy theory and write stupid comments. But if you think about how all the recent wars began, you will understand that it is very similar to the truth. Think of Colin Powell with a test tube. Or Assad's false accusations of a chemical attack. Lying scoundrels in Britain accusing Russians of murder in Salisbury. Even trump is accused of working for the Kremlin. And there are a lot of idiots who believe that. Remember how many Serbs were killed, but then found out that Milosevic is not guilty. Why did Gaddafi get killed? What did Saddam Hussein get killed for? Even with the bombings 9-11, they don't tell the whole truth. Ask yourself a question-are you sure that the madmen in the White house and the Pentagon will not make a fake provocation to start a new war? What do you think of this?
By the way, ask yourself a few more questions: Why did ISIS, as a purely Islamic terrorist society, never attack Israel? while ISIS carried out all its terrorist provocations near the territory of Israel, but not inside the country? Why did the terrorists of ISIS can afford to destroy the Americans, Syrians, Russians, Turks, but not to attack the Jews? Why Israel being in close proximity to the combat action against terrorists in Syria has never taken the initiative to help the Assad government in the fight against this evil? On a photo the head of ISIS and the American Senator