Networks blamed shutdown on GOP in 41 stories --- 0 for Dems

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by HB Surfer, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. FearandLoathing

    FearandLoathing Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
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    I suggest that Obama's famous $1,000,000,000,000.00 war chest was at least partially stuffed with "corporate" donations, especially from the insurance, banking and auto sectors.

    The myth that Republicans are the main recipient of corporate donations is exactly that...they line of the pockets of anyone.
  2. Yosh Shmenge

    Yosh Shmenge New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    Yes, I'll talk about anything, but I won't talk about the thing that's the crux of contention (debt ceiling)....sort of the whole point. Do you understand what the issue is?

    Obama shut down government (he closed down all our parks, wouldn't even cover the costs of transporting
    dead US soldiers to their homes) and the credit of the United States was NOT held hostage as it was never in question that our debt would be paid, unless Barry Obama decided not to. He has that responsibility and if you don't believe it check the 14th Amendment.

    God! How many times do I have to educate the left?

    Because the law should apply evenly to ALL citizens or isn't democracy your thing? Unfortunately republicans caved in on this point however and Obama has been able to keep the country safe for a two tiered system of laws: One for the rich and powerful, one for everyone else.
    Aren't you proud of this egalitarian sack of scum?

    And bigger pants don't cause you to gain weight. But it encourages it and makes it very easy to do so. Raising the debt ceiling certainly doesn't encourage cutting our debt, obviously (at $17 trillion dollars and expected to reach
    $20 trillion by the time Obama leaves office).

    I'm sure the government would get by just fine at current funding levels. Did we run out of money last year?

    If you mean did republicans try to fund our government when the left would not, then, YES...that's right.

    Really? Is that so?
    I wonder why Obama opened that door then? If you have connections to lobbyists that give money to the president then he will get you off the hook for a year (and who knows after that). If not, then that's too damned bad!
    All should get breaks or none. That's a concept most Americans can heartily understand and endorse.

    Indeed. If Obama refuses to at least negotiate like every president in our history has had to do, and he claims he is so eager to do, then choices down the road about what will be cut to come up with money for our debt will be necessary.
    Fortunately now we've put off the deadline and the president can indeed show he understands what compromise is all about.
    The republicans will give up something, and he will have to give up something. That's how government works.

    Maybe if we didn't have to spend two billion dollars per year to publicize a law already passed years ago (Obama Care) and throw money down the tubes for useless computer systems (Obama Care again) we could come up with
    extra needed money. As it is, SS is not in danger of not being paid. It never was.

    Ronald Reagan hadn't rung up nearly $20 trillion dollars in debt.

    Yeah, IF the debt ceiling raise can't be worked out. Good thing we have a fat bloated government ripe for trimming anyway.
  3. Iriemon

    Iriemon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2009
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    Why Republicans Shut Down the Government

    Poll: Government Shutdown Damages GOP - Business Insider

    Republicans blame each other after shutdown fiasco

    Republicans reneged on an earlier agreement to pass a clean CR to make a stand on Obamacare.

    Don't fart and then point at the dog.


    [Cred to Jon Stewart]

    President Obama did not shut down the government to extort a political demand he could not achieve by legitimate means.

    If Obama had shut down the government to demand the Republicans pass a 10% sur-tax on millionaires, you'd have a point, and be calling him a traitor or worse.
    The DNC did not shut down the government to extort a political demand he could not achieve by legitimate means.


    I wasn't sleepy at all. I proved how the Republicans knowingly and intentionally damaged our country, with their own words.
    President Obama did not shut down the government to extort a political demand he could not achieve by legitimate means.

    Disagree with your opinion for reasons stated.


    Baseless opinionated rant needing no response.

    Disagree with your opinionated rant for reasons stated. Other folks can decide for themselves.
  4. mertex

    mertex New Member Past Donor

    Apr 15, 2009
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    Ha,ha, so you don't think the fact that it was passed by the House, Senate, signed by the President and upheld by the Supreme Court is the way it is supposed to work?:roflol:

    Maybe you are the one that needs to get familiar with how it's supposed to work. Quit whining.
  5. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    So you agree with anything that comes from a republican super-majority with a republican president? That is cool with you?
  6. Wizard From Oz

    Wizard From Oz Banned at Members Request

    Sep 8, 2008
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    It has nothing to do with agreeing. There is a democratic process. If the Republicans end up with a super majority, then that is what happens.
  7. TCassa89

    TCassa89 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    you should put some consideration in the idea that this is not the multiple news networks' fault, but the GOP itself
  8. Montoya

    Montoya Banned

    Jan 5, 2011
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    Impossible Republicans are ALWAYS right!

  9. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    You will make a brilliant statist. I do not accept swinging the populous by tragedy. (go on click it. Add Orwell to the nth.) Then Kennedy said:


    Then he was killed.
    Then his killer was shot by a mob henchman.
    Then his brother was killed.


    How advanced is the international espionage community?

    Why is it... democrats and republicans both take their cues from the CFR? I cannot hear CFR, Bilderberg group or Trilateral commission without hearing Alex Jones saying them, and it makes my skin crawl... but I cannot any longer marginalize these connections, and actions. Tonkin Bay anyone? At some point, what is done in our name, is our fault for allowing it through normalcy bias.
  10. Wizard From Oz

    Wizard From Oz Banned at Members Request

    Sep 8, 2008
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    Where you shooting for some award for the most irrelevant response to a post in this forums history?
  11. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    An international espionage entity that has shaped US foreign policy that uses deception and tragedy to make war for the last 60 years isn't something I find irrelevant.

    Did you read/watch the links? They were put there for a reason. Dem/Rep doesn't make any difference. It is all just distraction from the man behind the curtain.
  12. hopeless_in_2012

    hopeless_in_2012 New Member

    Oct 8, 2011
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    Glad to see the media got it correct for once. Giving the GOP a 71% sole blame(41 out of 58 stories) and both parties a 29% shared blame(17 out of 58) seems pretty close to accurate. What percent of the stories do you tea party folks think should have blamed the GOP? Zero? LOL
  13. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    Well... you have to understand that most people are stupid. 100 is the average IQ in the US... and 100 is (*)(*)(*)(*)ing stupid. Then there are those below it.

    So all of these tit for tat left vs right games are only valuable when most people get it right... on most issues. When they do not should not be praised and celebrated. The administration is going to have to delay the mandate anyway. It is bad leadership, and coupled with the incompetence of the execution for "getting his way", an abject failure... except that most stupid people think this was the fault of the right.
  14. bomac

    bomac New Member Past Donor

    Apr 23, 2013
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    When you have nothing else, call 71% of Americans stupid. Keep up the good work.
  15. CaptainAngryPants

    CaptainAngryPants New Member

    Sep 17, 2013
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    I thought the Tea Party folks would be happy about getting all the credit for the government shutdown. I wonder why they don't want to own it now?
  16. hopeless_in_2012

    hopeless_in_2012 New Member

    Oct 8, 2011
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    Most people are correct in thinking it was the fault of the right. Most of the blame falls squarely on them. Even Republicans are blaming themselves, the only ones who do not place the majority of the blame with them are wearing very partisan blinders in my opinion.
  17. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    I don't think so. This was not sold as a tax, and was sold to a supermajority. In fact Obama insisted it was not a tax. SCOTUS rules it is only constitutional if it is a tax. As per A1S7 all bills of revenue must originate in the house. They were given the power to de-fund the military if necessary. They wanted only to delay the mandate which has to be delayed due to (*)(*)(*)(*)ty implementation anyway.

    In all of US history, when have you ever heard a president say he refuses to negotiate with a body of congress? That is not leadership.

    I am not partisan, I am a libertarian.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The majority of people are stupid. Low information voters on both sides especially so.
  18. bomac

    bomac New Member Past Donor

    Apr 23, 2013
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    I do think many in the public are low information people. There are other reasons than IQs. A 100 IQ is average and not "stupid".

    Your arrogance may be an indication of your IQ.
  19. hopeless_in_2012

    hopeless_in_2012 New Member

    Oct 8, 2011
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    You are arguing why Obamacare is bad, that is another argument to have. We were talking about who was responsible for the shutdown, that was the Republicans. If the Democrats had said they would not pass a CR unless it had a tax increase and the Republicans refused, it would have been the Democrats at fault. A spending bill like that to keep the government funded should not be held hostage to demands that have failed time and time again. Unfortunately they missed the chance to tie it to something meaningful and completely related, like spending cuts or expansion to the sequester while they chased the pipe dream of defunding Obamacare after failing to repeal it. It is fully within their power to do so and they did, dont try to blame it on the other side. I will fully support a shutdown that is tied to spending cuts as that is what we need. Obamacare is law and should be dealt with legislatively when the Republicans have the appropriate amount of support, if they cannot get the seats or support from others, it is the law and should be left alone. Trying to tie anything to the debt ceiling is total BS and should not be allowed. The debt ceiling is nothing more than the ability to pay what the numbnuts in congress have already spent, all spending needs to be dealt with in budgetary legislation and ideally should be in a budget, not a CR.
  20. Flintc

    Flintc New Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    Obama did not say he would not negotiate with Congress, he said exactly the opposite - that he was more than willing to negotiate on the issues. Funding the government is not a political issue (or at least should not be), and holding the funding of the government as a bargaining chip to extort what Congress couldn't do legitimately despite 42 failed attempts is not negotiation. If you and I were to disagree about something but I controlled your air supply and threatened to cut it off if you didn't agree with me, would that be "negotiation"?

  21. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    You are being forthright and civil. I applaud you that. You and I often clash armor rather than discuss our differences, and I find this a refreshing departure.

    Let us divorce our beliefs of the "good" or "bad" of Obamacare. I am remarkably bright, yet I cannot tell the future. Perhaps the expansion of medicare alone, if handled well, might focus on preventative care, lowering overall costs. I do not know what torrents of this monstrosity (in scope in this instance) might benefit us, which would not have been possible without all the "harm" I believe is associated with it.

    Call me the optimist in this particular debate. I am willing to believe there will be silver linings that would not have come about with the forcefeeding of the program.

    As per the shutdown. The house originally wanted to set the individual mandate date to the corporate, which the president changed outside of the legislature. They were laughed off... so they threatened the shutdown and began forcing negotiation on that mandate delay the way any prudent negotiator does. Ask for the moon, so you can come down. Bid high. Defund the whole program was the demand, so that they could come down... eventually landing where they wanted... the delay of the individual mandate... which is indeed a noble and reasonable ask. Why do the big corporations get a stay of execution... and the people just have to eat it? This was a demand on behalf of the people, for the people. The shutdown was the only way they could try and achieve it. It was never going to defund the program... everyone knew it. This was just bidding high, and everyone is clenched on it as unreasonable obstructionism... but what they actually wanted was what they first and last asked for. The senate democrats did the presidents bidding, and refused to negotiate... and Reid refused to even let the senate vote on the reasonable demand.

    NOW, after everything... the president is STILL going to have to do the right thing... only he will not go the full year because his pride is on the line.

    At the end of the day... I see this as a failure of leadership to save face... even if he cuts off his nose to spite it. Were the situation reversed and the Democrats were looking after the best interests of the people over corporations, I would be on the other side of the argument.
  22. Ctrl

    Ctrl Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    The point of the power of the purse is to force a negotiation. The president said, in no uncertain terms, he would not negotiate against that constitutionally prescribed power. He did not negotiate before the impending shutdown on the individual mandate... so when they brought the big guns to force that negotiation... he doubled down, and refused to even discuss it.
  23. HB Surfer

    HB Surfer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 10, 2009
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    The TEA Party is happy to be the "catalyst" to expose the fraud which is the establishment Democratic and Republican parties, but the actual shutdown has tons of Democratic Party blame to be shared for sure. They were given every chance to avert it.
  24. CaptainAngryPants

    CaptainAngryPants New Member

    Sep 17, 2013
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    So are the Tea Party folks proud of their role as "catalyst" for the shutdown or aren't they? Which is it?
  25. potter

    potter New Member

    Mar 27, 2012
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    Republicans of all people should know that it's a fact; If you repeat something often enough, it becomes true.

    This concept was invented by the republican party.

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