In a historic step forward the New Jersey assembly passes legislation to enact same sex marriage, barring a veto from the governor.
Sorry... In other news: career minded partisan "imma get me on the GOP vice presidential ticket" governor pledges to veto civil rights bill.
I don't know if to say better sarcastically, or just say drop the name calling. They're not making our case any stronger.
I doubt anyone is going to be swayed either way by my "name calling". Granted if I were a public figure I wouldn't be saying that outwardly (just thinking it).
I think SSM is anything but losing given this year's momentum. But you're right, the man's obvious glandular problem has nothing to do with his glaring intolerance.
I don't see any real chance of them overriding the veto - I really don't see them getting three senators to change their minds, and I rather doubt those Republicans voting as a block in the house are going to tolerate anyone breaking ranks.
Neither do I, but the fact is, they got it to the point where it could be vetoed. That's a major accomplishment. Means that perhaps in the future, the near future, it could be done again.
You are correct that it does nothing for the argument. But the tearing-down of a person's credibility as a human being... sadly, it DOES work. The President is a good example. But the catch is this: After one has run the gauntlet of such 'dehumanization', if they survive it they are even MORE credible as a human being. And THAT is happening with President Obama right now. If the next person is 10% as scrutinized (from their citizenship to their good policies), I'd be surprised.
1. I wouldn't say most of the name calling works against Obama. 2. What does Obama have to do with this thread?