New Pentagon report blames Trump troop withdrawal for ISIS surge in Iraq and Syria

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by mdrobster, Aug 9, 2019.

  1. mdrobster

    mdrobster Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    Well it seems Trump has once again spoken too soon. He bragged about wiping out ISIS and being smarter than the generals and now ISIS appears to be recovering.

    He has allowed North Korea to continue the missle launches, yet he still praises Kim. Then of course there is his admiration of Putin, where he takes his word over USA intelligence services.

    The man is a foreign policy nightmare. !!!!
    DEFinning likes this.
  2. apexofpurple

    apexofpurple Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2018
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    Tribal Islamic terror groups have been stomped out and remade how many countless times throughout history? Without some genocidal rampage of the entire region there's simple no way we can rid ourselves of this problem. The reasons they form these groups are ingrained in the bedrock of their culture and religion, and few escape from it. You can bet your last dollar that for the rest of your life you'll be hearing about the US and its allies engaged in combat in the Middle East.

    Now as far as this report goes it doesn't blame the President, that's the media doing that. Its a quarterly review of operational subsections no different than any other of the countless reports that are generated by one sector of the Pentagon or another. It does not place blame its an operational assessment. It says here's what we did, here's what they did, here's what we're doing next, here's what we predict will result. Some TDS stricken faux-journalist read through just enough of the 100+ pages until he found one line upon which he could build a click-bait article.

    Breaking News! When good guys leave bad guys re-group! Wow! Whodathunkit? Lets all rush to jump on the President's ass about it and ignore the fact that there's no good reason for our military and our money being in that region. And of course lets not for one moment remember who's brilliant leadership it was that created the Syrian problem in the first place. /cough

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