[video=youtube_share;TwnIidSerlY]http://youtu.be/TwnIidSerlY[/video] For the World Court's decision on evidence of Nicaragua arms to Salvadoran Rebels, see: The Court also ruled (pp. 126-128, especially paragraphs 249 and 252) that, as a matter of law, even if such an arms supply existed, it would not constitute "armed attack" justifying a U.S. response, as the U.S. government had claimed. For James LeMoyne's story on Nicaragua arms supplies to El Salvador, see: On New York Times Executive Editor Lelyveld's letter to F.A.I.R., see: For repetitions of the arms flow falsehood in the New York Times, see for example, statements and assumptions in George Volsky, "Contras Agree to Attend Truce Talks," New York Times, January 18, 1988, p. A6; Stephen Engelberg, "Salvador Rebel Arms: Noriega Link?," New York Times, December 18, 1987, p. A8; Bernard Trainor, "Contras' Future: Crippled as Warriors," New York Times, April 3, 1988, section 1, p. 16. For LeMoyne's final story on the topic, almost one year later, see: