Of course. Come out against the Nigerian law.....his theocratic and anti-gay friends on the Right get mad at him. Come out in favor of it, as Mac did.....any future discussion of how he "loves liberty" or "hates tyrannical Government" is shown as hypocrisy. So....he filibusters and tries to say nothing or change the subject or WEIRDLY claims "Leftys don't care about Nigeria"....on a thread started with an OP about Nigeria. Again...two types. - - - Updated - - - Topic is....what do you think of the Nigerian anti-gay law? Got an opinion....or is this that most strange of situations where you "don't have an opinion"...as apart from EVERY OTHER thing going on in the world?
As with heterosexuality, homosexuality is completely normal and natural. You're fighting a losing battle.
Did you feel the same way about the Supreme Court overturning gun bans in DC and Chicago? Constitutionalism has nothing to do with popularity. It's a matter of civil rights.
So you approve of obama making deals with them that legalize their enrichment of uranium, possibly for a nuke, even though they kill gays for being gay? Kinda makes it seem like Nigeria is small potatos, and not even worthy of discussion. but go ahead and play the faux outrage game, Ive got better things to worry about.
No who said that>? Horse can't consent. Little boy can't consent No it does not, but whenever a conservative brings this up I shutter at what they think a loving relationship looks like and light a candle for any partner they might have.
The deals with Iran are a matter of trying to lessen the tension in the general region. As with Nigeria, there isn't much we can do about Iran's treatment of gays. The same goes for Uganda. However, we can at least speak out against their abuses.
No, you see, when they overturn a law conservatives don't like, it's the system working as it should. When the courts overturn a law the conservatives like, TYRANNY!1 VICTIM CARD1! WAH WAH OBAMA'S FAULT BLACK MAN DID IT OVERLOAD!
Sanctions tend to make things worse, not better. Normalizing relations tend to keep things from escalating toward war. It's like how the fastest way to get Cuba to become a functioning capitalism is to normalize relations with them.
Wait let me check my "Give A Crap About What Happens In Nigeria" meter... ...ya its still reading zero. Some of you liberals need to take a step back and consider the hypocrisy of using bigotry in your attempts to fight bigotry.
Your logic is flawed. They started building reactors and enriching uranium when there were no sanctions. The sanctions are a result of them enriching uranium, not the other way around.
So only the laws YOU like are sacrosanct? We will remind the Righties of this when they declare they are going to break the law and carry illegal guns anyway, and then feel put upon if they are arrested and sent to jail.
Part of why they started enriching uranium is because, despite having a major oil supply, they have very little refining capacity. Iran is still a net importer of refined petroleum products. Nuclear power would allow them to be energy independent at a much lower long term cost than building several refineries. Another reason they started enriching uranium is because they've watched 2 of their non-nuclear neighbors get invaded by us. You'll notice that, despite our troubles with Pakistan, we haven't invaded them. They also have nukes. So, in general, the message seems to be that preventing America from invading you requires having nukes.
Answer my questions, or I will assume I know the answers. Do you, like Mac-7, like this Nigerian law? Do you think it should be law around the world? Why or why not?
Someone has already raised the Christianity issue and I told them I would not like that. But I follow Christ, not Harvey Milk or Liberace. The issue here is liberals who think they do not have obey laws they don't agree with. I think you have to obey the law or be willing to pay the consequences if you choose to ignore the law. Gays in Nigeria are not going to be put in jail talking with a lisp. But if they decide to engage in homosexual sex they have to pay the price when they get caught.
But if Nigeria had passed a law banning homosexuality in Nigeria, would you and other conservatives think that law should be obeyed?
Sure, but enforcing a law like this consistently is a joke anyway. Are they going to put cameras in every bedroom? It's pretty clear that when any government legislates in this manner, it's both oppressive and ridiculous. Any supporter of smaller government should recognize this.
I don't know what you mean. If your side makes Christian worship a criminal offense in America I will not obey the law. But I would be willing to pay the price for my disobedience to Obama or Hillary. Gays in Nigeria must make the same decision. And so should drunks who believe they have a right to drink and drive if they want to.
Conservatives like it when courts use the words of the constitution to strike down laws and dont like it when they use their own words to strike down laws. Words of the constitution show that bans against bearing arms are unconstitutional. Words of the Constitution DONT show a constitutional right to marry your gay lover.
I don't follow Liberace or Harvey Milk either. I don't worship dead people. That's something you do. What is your point with that? BTW- more conservative celebration: http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2013/06/1...nigeria-for-fighting-back-with-anti-gay-laws/
So you think such a law against Christianity would be just and OK by you? Or would you fight to have it changed?