Both of the above are false claims. There is no evidence physically linking any of the debris to any of the 4 officially claimed aircraft on 9/11. A serial number match is normally done in just about every single airplane crash by the NTSB between the recovered debris and the log of airplane parts, including the FDR and CVR. There is no evidence that this was done for any of those aircraft. In fact there is an outstanding FOIA request by the Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry for the results of such a match if it exists. This is just a case of either making assumptions parroted from the official conspiracy theory or just inventing nonsense in support of the same official garbage.
Oh yeh sure they did! chain of custody please? part serial numbers please? anything at all? Anything? chain of custody please? part serial numbers please? anything at all? Anything? we live in a world where anything can be faked and you expect us to believe you. hilarious
And he even falsely claims: And that's why he has me on ignore, because he can't stand constantly being contradicted by incontrovertible facts so better to hide under the skirts of the ignore option.
exactly, takes the guv stance, ignore anyone who exposes their bullshit. No surprise to me anyway why people are starting to attack guv buildings, its a systemic cancer.