I even compete with my pocket gun. What i did was cough up some of my own money and design run my own matches. John Bianchi had Ray chapman design the Bianchi match to make it feasible for PPC revolvers to beat 1911's, heresy at the time! what I did was pay, 20, 15, 10 and 5% of the purse (respectively to the first 4 place finishers, pay 5% to 10th and 20th place, and the rest goes to the "club" (ie, me)for putting on the match. Everyplace else, the club keeps ALL the money and pays nothing, ya know. So all I have to do is WIN and I get 60% of the money. The matches are set up with the ranges never to exceed 10 yds, and only rarely to exceed 5 yds. If we want real precision, we just require head shots at 10 yds. the gun used must fit in a box that measures just barely big enough to let a .38 chief snubby, 2" barrel lie inside of it. Empty weight cannot exceed 20 ozs, either. I charge $15 per entry and guarantee a $500 purse. So everyone knows that at least 4 guys are going to get their money back (plus) and a 5th will do so if 20+ people compete . Sometimes 3-4th place are won with some pretty low score. DASA, revolver, DAO and SA pocket autos are available for rent, as are pocket holster and reloaded ammo is for sale (the brass is returned to the ammo seller). This normally brings in another $100 per match and usually pays for the 35k-40% of the purse paid out to the other places. I dont always win, either, dang it! at least half of the match is always done in "dark house' (ie, 2x4 framework and a double layer of black sheet plastic) About half of the dark house shooting to be done with, and half without, a flashlight. You'll find out really fast what an advantage it is to have luminous sights!