This deeply offends me and don't think I should have ideas forced onto me that I strongly believe that are not true. Science tell me there are two sexes male and female. Her and him. Transgender is a little bit of a grey area, biologically they are one gender but appear another. But that's fine, biologically they are one but get seen as the gender they intend to be and get recognised as that gender in society because of there appearance. If you look like a man you are a him, if you look like a female you are a her. Generally your genitals will dictate what you get called, unless you change your appearance enough to align with the opposite gender. It's correct and not a bad thing. They are only labels in which genetics determine what you are. It's a label saying this person has a penis or a vagina. Big deal... within this label you can be how you want to be, the label does not dictate how you should act, look like or do. You're free to do what ever you want, it's not a restriction, it's just a fact stating what genitals you have. It offends me to have to call people "Non binary, queer, or whatever made up words" it's not true. Biologically there are to genders, I believe in science, I don't want these nonsense made up stuff forced on me. I don't agree, it's not true, stop forcing me to act a certain way. Short story your either a guy or girl
I'm not talking about transsexuals, they clearly make an effort. I'm on about these non binary nutters.
There was a lady at work when I worked in San Francisco who was hermaphrodite. She had to shave her chin because she had a beard. She was female with male characteristics, and very ugly and rotund. It happens. Life on Earth is not as simple or cut and dried as you think.
Theres a few people who have legitimate genetic 'malfunctions'. I know someone who has the brain (according to a brain scan) of a man, but had the body of a woman, prior to hormone therapy. Prior to getting to know him, I believed the whole thing was a fraud- folks making shyt up for attention. But this 'woman' was more man-like in demeanor than most men. I now believe its mostly folks making shyt up for attention, and making a few unfortunate folks with real problems look ridiculous (this is also the beleif of my aforementioned aquaintence, who has no love for the state of the trans 'movement' [for lack of a better term]). The ones with a legitimate genetic 'malfunction' dont want attention. They've had enough already and just want to fit in with everyone else who was born normal. They don't wear dresses with full beards or flop their meat and potatoes out at the gynocologists office demanding papsmears. They've spent their life trying avoid the awkwardness presented by their predicament, not make it worse. The ones shouting about their trans/binary/whateverism with pink batman tu-tus and bedazzled penis wands are just pissed off that no one is worshipping them for being weird.
Wow, you are offended really easily. If some people want to be referred by their gender orientation then sure, I don't care. If others want to be referred by their biological sex, then I can do that too. As long as they aren't angry or rude if I make an innocent mistake then I can easily get along with them no problemo.
Do you feel the same way about the nonsense pronouns like zer? Its one thing to use him,her or they but it crosses my line and frankly any intelligent persons line when whiny, bitchy, self centered, arrogant *******s demand.......DEMAND that other people refer to them with completely made up words.....dozens of them. I watched a debate on the subject and the "pro zer" guy literally said...I still can't believe that guy was a professor.......that its very easy to keep track of all of them you just have to program your contact list in your smart phone to include their preferred pronoun. WTF?
If someone wants to be referred to as zer, I don't really mind. If they are whiny, bitchy, or arrogant if I make an innocent mistake then we do have a problem. If they are polite, then I couldn't care less.
Non-binary simply means lack of gender identities. People that are neither masculine or feminine. I’ve known a few throughout my life - although there was no term for it - so I assure you they do exist buts it isn’t a “new” gender.
How completely reasonable of you. That probably won’t go over well with many here unfortunately. If I can make someone’s day a little bit better by calling them <whatever> I am happy to do so - until they become militant at which point I will tell them to shove off.
Binary If 0 = female and 1 = male, this would make hermaphrodites a .5 Somehow, though, it's so difficult to believe that there might be a .1, .2, .4 etc. Here's a woman - let's force "her" to use the women's rest rooms.
That's just androgyny. We don't need extra words to describe something we already have. Androgynous people have been around since recorded history likely prior. It's just that we fabricate meaningless nonsense like gender identity to give people edgy new labels and exclusive social groups. I reject that whole concept.
They can be referred to as "they" or "them". They or them is perfect since it covers literally everything.
Exactly. I don't even have to approve of their lifestyles or be their friends, I just try to get along.
The only real binary we have in life, is the computer. And the binary math system. Humans and their biology is not anything close binary. If humans sexuality were binary, all men would have the same testosterone and women would have the same estrogen. But that simply isn't the case. And I think, each sex has both testosterone and estrogen.
I don't care either way, I will accommodate them as best I can. They have to live with this irritant a lot more often than I do so my political agenda can take a back seat.
Sex is binary. There are men and there are women, any thing other than that is an anomaly not a sex. Of course not. But human sex is binary. No sexuality isn't binary. Some people are homosexual others are heterosexual and others are bisexual, that's trinary. Estrogen and testosterone isn't how we define sex. Amazing how your false dichotomy isn't the case
Yeah I think objections are mostly BS too. How is someone else's psychology any of your business as long as they don't threaten or harm you? But I do have a question about LGBTQ. How is "queer" different from lesbian or gay? To my thinking and understanding, "queer" consists of lesbians and gays. So it should be just LGBT. What am I missing?
Not much. You are seeing people who don't feel like they conform to any pre-defined group, no matter who they are attracted to. There's no absolute definition for queer, other than "strange" or "different." I'm queer politically, in that regard. I relate to all the various parties in some way, but mostly not at all. People who try to paint me only encourage me to double-down on the notion that I don't fit anywhere politically. It's hard to draw an analogy, so that's what I got. Consider it sort of "some of all of the above." As to why bi-sexual doesn't work, I don't know, but each person gets to put themselves in their own box. Perhaps it is a feeling of being enigmatic; as in, "I'm weird, but it's not really your business as to how."