Not All Muslims Are Terrorists

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by SmilinJack, Oct 20, 2012.

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  1. rexob715

    rexob715 New Member

    May 3, 2012
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    Ahhhh, so since interpretations of the same god can lead to a variety of religious beliefs, its quite logical that your interpretation of god is christianity and someone else's interpretation of god is islam. In its most rudimentary form, the term "god"(in reference to a monotheistic god) cannot be different to someone else's monotheistic god: 1)The respective gods cannot be tested to determine quality and 2)definitively speaking, that term means all encompassing, all knowing, ever present, all powerful, etc.

    Gods can only differ when they are limited to the sea, the wind, the rain, child birth, determining harvests, etc. Their limitations are what makes them different, in that they don't overlap. It doesn't signify which god is better, it only signifies a difference. Once you remove those limitations and end up on the monotheistic realm, your monotheistic god is no different than my monotheistic god(since both are definitively the same and ONLY individually interpreted).

    Also, it depends on context. We compare a Ford Ranger to a Ford Escape. If we claimed they were the same...........manufacturer, we would be correct. If we claimed that they were different...........models, we would be correct.

    We are trying to show you that the two gods are the same manufacturer..............whereas you are opposing us because they have been interpreted differently(models). We, at least I, am recognizing that each has a different book, different amounts of followers, different times of establishment, different prophets, different approaches to the same morals, but hopefully you are willing to recognize that they are the same in that the fundamentalist of both terrorize people to this day.

    In that respect they are no different.

    Projection will get you know where with me. Just because you are unwilling to change your beliefs to reflect the evidence, doesn't mean that I am unwilling to change my beliefs. Since you are unable to change your beliefs, you just can't understand how anyone else would be willing to do something that you are not willing to do. That is being closed minded.

    You have yet to prove me wrong. No wonder! If you prove me wrong, then I will be happy to change my beliefs. Its called learning.

    And as you can read above(well, we will see if you can and how willing you are to change your mind) that I addressed this above a paragraph or two. I, and hopefully other democrats on this site, will admit that they have a different book, with a different prophet, with a different time of establishment, at a different place geographically, etc. etc. etc. But that doesn't disprove our position in that they are the same.............from a definitive perspective. Your monotheistic god is no different than my monotheistic god.

    Both are all knowing, all encompassing, all powerful, presents the best morals, is perfect in all respects, ever present, etc. Just because you have interpreted this god as christian and some other person interprets this same god and calls it Allah(because that's his native languages term for a monotheistic, all powerful supernatural being)...........doesn't mean you are essentially or definitively worshipping another god.


    WOW, I seriously did not read all of your message before responding. Refer to my Ford example above. We both could be right, depending on the context of what we are talking about.

    So, no, we are not comparing mustangs to camaros. We are comparing Ford Rangers with Ford Escapes. You guys claim they are different and you are correct within the models provided. We claim that they are the same and we are correct within the manufacturer of those models. We admit that you guys are right, within your context, but you guys are not willing to admit we are right within our context.

    We are comparing monotheistic god to monotheistic god. In that respect, or within this context, we are correct. Since both are all powerful, perfect, all knowing, ever present, its quite easy to see how different religions could stem off these most basic fundamental principles found within each monotheistic religion. That's exactly how Westboro Baptist church was created.............interpretation of the book you believe in. What about misinterpretations of the monotheistic god?

    If a specific branch of a monotheistic religion(christianity) can lead to such misinterpretations that resulted in Westboro Baptist Church, I wonder what kind of misinterpretations could occur under the broad spectrum created by the term "monotheistic god"? Westboro baptist church was created by an interpretation of christianity(specifically baptists). Islam was created by an interpretation of a monotheistic god. The same monotheistic god that all the other monotheistic religions were created from.
  2. rexob715

    rexob715 New Member

    May 3, 2012
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    But murder(we have to use a different term than murder because the definition of murder is killing without good reason or for malice), can be justified. I like to use the term "killing" since it doesn't imply any intent or lack thereof. It also removes the degrees of murder off the table and let's us get down to the point.

    So, let's use killing. I have a right to kill, if my life is being threatened or my health is at risk. The question becomes was my life REALLY in jeopardy. If am I lying and I really had no reason to kill the person(because my life was not threatened), then that is murder. If I am not lying and I did have a good reason to believe my life was in danger, then its not called murder.............its called justifiable homicide. So, I think we need to be clear on the concept we are talking about(killing and whether it can be justified............compared to killing without justification - murder).

    If a mother's health is a risk, doesn't she have the same right that I do? Shouldn't she have the same right to kill? And who is trying to take this away from her? Religious people or secular/atheist/humanist people?

    Now, rape and incest:
    If a woman is raped(or raped/impregnated by family member), she either wants the child and there is no problem of abortion or she doesn't want the child.........which is the question of should she be allowed to terminate the embryo(which is killng for a good reason - rape/incest) or should we force our beliefs onto her by making her have a baby that she clearly doesn't want. Who ends up taking care of that baby? Tax payers? But regardless of whether the child or plethora of children that are born unwanted end up being taken care of by the state, we shouldn't be forcing our beliefs onto someone else.

    I dont force you to do something against your will and I especially wouldn't do it if it were going to create more of a need from the state, which might cause my taxes to go up.

    First, you are twisting my words. My argument stemmed around beliefs and how they cause actions................not situations or results. Try again!

    And I will even tell you how to do it. My argument is that beliefs cause actions and you can prove me wrong by: providing a non-belief and an action that was caused by it

    What has your lack of belief in unicorns caused you to do? What has your lack of belief in bigfoot caused you to perform? Certainly, if I am wrong, then something that you don't believe in has caused you to perform some action.

    Teaching that it is wrong and that this "ruling" on whether abortion is wrong or not is from a perfect god, who is all knowing of everything, all powerful.............cannot be wrong. No how no way. Its just not possible for my perfect god to spit out an imperfect verse. It goes against the term god, which definitively says he's perfect and the best. What he says is right, no matter how wrong it sounds. Talking bushes; must be true. Virgin births; must be true. Parting of seas: must have happened.

    So, since my god says that abortion is wrong and because he MUST be right, then the people that are performing abortions are from the devil. They CANT be doing god's work, they are the devil and murdering innocent victims. The devil must be stopped. God always wins and I am one of god's foot soldiers. Since god will punish him when he gets in front of the pearly gates, how can I be wrong for doing what my god will do? How can I be wrong fighting for my god? God will reward me for standing up for his word.


    Except all I have found is people conflating "murder" with killing, when killing can and is justified. There's a difference you are not willing to recognize for the sake of your ideology.
  3. rexob715

    rexob715 New Member

    May 3, 2012
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    Nope because taking a life(killing) can be justified...............unless you can prove it cannot be. There are reasons that justify taking a life..........self defense. So, we are talking the logic BEHIND what you said/believe. I am using self defense to show you that killing can be justified. Its an example that proves my point and you don't like it so no wonder you don't want to talk about it. LOL

    So are you ready to admit that there can be reasons to take a life and be justified in doing so? I bet you aren't!
  4. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Who said all muslims are terrorist?...I want names, addresses and phone
  5. FFbat

    FFbat New Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    RageAgainst did. He seems to know them all personally. I'm concerned.
  6. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    I tend to agree.. When people began living in groups they had to agree on some common ideas about how to behave.

    Lewis Black comes to mind... when he talks about people being one whisker away from being baboons and having to be taught not to sleep with their mothers or sisters.
  7. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    You are lying again.

    What i said is when you diligently follow islam you will naturally become a terrorist or at least sympathize with them.
  8. FFbat

    FFbat New Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    Slander in a political forum? Never!
  9. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Atleast you are an admitted filthy satanically influenced liar.
  10. FFbat

    FFbat New Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    The pot that calls the kettle black.
  11. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Oh whats that, you saying i lie about islam? Keep lying liar.
  12. NetworkCitizen

    NetworkCitizen New Member

    Mar 5, 2011
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    The ones that the US supported to fight the Russians in Afghanistan and then to ram planes into the towers were terrorists. As are the ones terrorizing the governments of Libya, Iran, and Syria.

    We support terrorists, they are democrats don't you know.
  13. rexob715

    rexob715 New Member

    May 3, 2012
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    Originally Posted by rexob715
    Virtually all christians(except for their 80 or so members) don't agree with them. So, just because you don't agree doesn't mean that you are not worshipping the same god. There are many interpretations to your religion.

    Well tell me. How can I be incorrect, when I did not say that God IS all things to all people or that his character was not set???? Now, if I would have said that God is all things to all people, you could say that I was incorrect, which would lead you to correct me. But sadly I didn't say, what you think I said..............therefore disproving what I didn't say, doesn't make what I actually said incorrect.

    So, since you didn't address what I said, no darn wonder I posted the same statement back to you. It wasn't because I lost. Its because you didn't address the context of what I did say. Now, whether you did this on purpose or because you don't know any better is the question!
  14. Junior_Beauchamp

    Junior_Beauchamp New Member

    Oct 21, 2012
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    Originally Posted by Margot View Post
    Then you should never have an abortion... and must maintain strict control over your wives, daughters, mother and sisters.

    Liberals resort to hyper-emotionally driven lies because that is what liars do, they lie and to work themselves into a frenzy they frame the lies in hyper-emotional terms.

    That's one way you can tell they are empty, and wicked.
  15. Junior_Beauchamp

    Junior_Beauchamp New Member

    Oct 21, 2012
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    Well bubba, life does not begin at birth. It begins at conception, so says medical science.
  16. a sound mind

    a sound mind New Member

    Mar 22, 2011
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    if something unborn is murdered, is it undeath? like a zombie?
  17. rexob715

    rexob715 New Member

    May 3, 2012
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    And there are reasons that can justify killing a life.
  18. SmilinJack

    SmilinJack Banned

    Jun 13, 2012
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    ‘I Will Answer Only to Allah’

    Soeren Kern
    An Islamist radical convicted of stabbing two German police officers during a protest against “offensive” cartoons has been sentenced to six years in prison. Murat K, a 26-year-old German-born Salafist of Turkish heritage from the western state of Hessen, openly admitted that he had attacked and wounded the two police officers with a kitchen knife during the cartoon riots in May. He showed no remorse, however, during his trial at the district court in the city of Bonn; he said he had been morally obligated to follow Islamic Sharia law.
  19. SmilinJack

    SmilinJack Banned

    Jun 13, 2012
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    The above post illustrates the moral bankruptcy of the followers of Mohammadism on here who try to equate abortion protestors(who only in very rare instances have resorted to violence) with islamists who kill because of a cartoon or a video etc. which upsets them because of the truth contained therein.
  20. rexob715

    rexob715 New Member

    May 3, 2012
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    The killing spree by Wade Michael Page on the Sikh Gurudwara in Milwaukee that left seven dead including Page’s own death in a hail of bullets is an act of Christian terrorism. Page was a member of a skinhead band, End Apathy, that advertised the evils of multiculturalism and advocated white power.

  21. saintmichaeldefendthem

    saintmichaeldefendthem New Member Past Donor

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Why do I get the feeling that when Major Hassan murdered several soldiers at Fort hood, you didn't think it was an act of Muslim terrorism? Don't even bother trying to claim you did after the fact, unless you got posts from that time to back it up. The truth is, the biggest town cryers about Christian terrorism are criminally taciturn when it comes to Muslim terrorism. They're the biggest hypocrits of all and their opinion doesn't mean (*)(*)(*)(*).
  22. Junior_Beauchamp

    Junior_Beauchamp New Member

    Oct 21, 2012
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    Originally Posted by Junior_Beauchamp [​IMG] Well bubba, life does not begin at birth. It begins at conception, so says medical science.

    Abortion as birth control is not one of them.

    To save the life of the mother is the only justification for killing an unborn baby.
  23. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Even then repentence would be necessary imo
  24. Junior_Beauchamp

    Junior_Beauchamp New Member

    Oct 21, 2012
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    Agreed, and such an occurance would not be normative.
  25. RiseAgainst

    RiseAgainst Banned

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Any christian who did so better have a good reason.

    And i cant quite think of one.

    "My life!!!!"

    Tell God that.
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