Westboro loses protest case... Supreme Court Leaves in Place Nebraska Funeral Protest Law 27 Nov 2017 | WASHINGTON — Members of the Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church challenged the law but have lost in lower courts.
Granny says dey need to get to the bottom o' who threw Billy Joe McCallister offa Tallahatchie bridge... Supreme Court to hear Florida-Georgia Apalachicola water case Jan. 7, 2018 -- The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a longstanding battle between Florida and Georgia about water flow in the Apalachicola River on Monday.
It seems to revolve on the same issues other water questions have for centuries out west. For years the US has used all the water in the Colorado, and by the time it makes it to Mexico there is nothing left.
SCOTUS rules police officer cannot be sued for shooting Arizona woman in her front yard... Supreme Court rules police officer cannot be sued for shooting Arizona woman in her front yard 04/02/18 - The Supreme Court on Monday blocked a lawsuit an Arizona woman tried to bring against a Tucson officer who shot her four times in her front yard in May 2010. See also: Justices grant one new case, summarily reverse in excessive-force case Mon, April 2nd, 2018 - The Supreme Court added one new case to its merits docket for next term, bringing the total number of cases slated for oral argument in the fall to eight.
Anti-government right wingers should fly into a rage. But it's a good bet that won't happen. We all know why ....
The Supreme Court decided two key criminal-justices cases Monday that upheld individual rights... Supreme Court Upholds Individual Rights In 2 Key Criminal Justice Cases May 14, 2018 - The Supreme Court handed down five decisions Monday, and one that could pave a path for legalizing sports gambling throughout the country got most of the attention Monday morning. But the court also decided two important criminal-justice and personal rights cases.