Genesis 11:4-9 "And they said, "Come, let us build a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto Heaven! And let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth." And YHVH came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of "men" were building. And YHVH said, "Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they have begun to do! And NOW NOTHING WILL BE RESTRAINED FROM THEM WHICH THEY HAVE "IMAG"INED TO DO! Come, let Us go down there and confound their language, so that they will not understand one another's speech. So YHVH scattered them abroad from there upon the face of the whole earth! And they quit building the city. Therefore the name of it is called Babel(confusion)!" And today? Behold, the people are coming together as one once again! One world, one language(english), and what is mankind doing? As it was, it is once again, for THOSE OF THIS WORLD(BABYLON) FOLLOW THEIR OWN VAIN "IMAG"INATIONS AND RESTRAINT IS LIKEN UNTO A FOREIGN LAUGUAGE TO THEM! So it is that they are destroying Creation(air, water, land, vegetation, creatures) and perverting that which is Spirit(Truth, Light, Life, Love, Peace, Faith, Hope, Wisdom, Grace,,,,,,, ALL that IS Truly GOOD)! For they have taken the bait(ease of life) and swallowed the LIES, hook(money), line(education, religion, media) and sinker(progress, technology)! "Come out from among them and be separate!" And choose to have your portion in The Family of "Our Father and GOD(SPIRIT)"! Choose wisely! Quit playing the game! "Trust in Our Father with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding"! And HOPE IS! there would be those who experience The Miracle that is "receiving a love of The Truth"....... For TRUTH IS! Miracles do happen....... Simply, for such to be "The "I(ego,id,self,pride)" Must Die"! But to live, yet die, seems an impossible task, And so we need of "Our Father", the impossible to ask. Help me to "deny myself(die to "I",ego,id,self,pride)"! Father Help! and HE does.......
Ja ja, a fun little tale meant to explain why people spoke so many different languages. You notice also that it assumes that a tall tower can reach "heaven." You might want to think about that..
Simply sad )-; for you and all others who have never experienced The Miracle that is receiving "a love of The Truth"! For religion(and atheism is a religion) has had it's way with you! Yet while breath is, HOPE IS! For TRUTH IS! Miracles do happen....... Father Help! and HE does.......
What I want to see is a thread with you, lynx and Heretic all combining forces. Where is lynx, anyway?