Well that's what some in the supermarket media are claiming. That at the Lovelock Correctional Center in Nevada - " inmates cheered as a muscular young skinhead knocked him to the ground, punching and kicking him to a bloody pulp and inflicting injuries so severe he secretly spent nearly 3 weeks in the infirmary before he recovered. " It's been reported that O.J. is a marked man in prison " ever since white supremacists overheard him brag about his sexual conquests of beautiful white woman. " Hmmn ... Ya don't say.
It is too sad. I remember the Juice as a little kid. He was one of the best, not just big and strong but athletic - fast and nimble. Exciting to watch, very charismatic. I certainly don't rejoice in anyone getting beat down, especially by a thug NAZI. But yea, the karma thing. So sad for The Brown and Goldman families. Don't like seeing him in the news for anything anymore, what a wasted life.
In my estimation O.J. was THE Greatest running back I ever saw. His cutback was phenomenal.THE first running back to register a 2,ooo yard rushing season{ 14 game} and that was on a very poor team.His 2,ooo yard season also made him the king of carries surpassing My Cleveland Browns ... Jim Brown with 322 vs. Brown's record 305 carried. O.J. setting records all over the place for most 200 + yard games. The Juice did a lot of his great running in typically poor Buffalo weather. When it's cold and snows in Buffalo you know it.Lake effect snow is abounding. The Juice was also a great track man at USC before acheiving his Heisman. He was also a gifted off field personality,who everyone liked and pulled for.He was a true Football Icon.His acting career was somewhat noteworthy.But something deep within the man lurked. A hidden ego of desire.It's understandable for a handsome and gifted athlete to struggle after the highlight football clips fade into mere memory. But O.J. turned out to be a monster of a Man.Like Joan Crawford did as a She-male.Crawford growing up entirely self-made having to endure embarassment as one who toiled as a sweaty laundry maid. Does O.J. deserve this ironic poetic justice.I think so.If he was so brazen as to brag about his conquering of pretty white woman,no matter how true,then he desreves whatever prison justice is meted-out. No where is it written that Life is Fair. Ya think the guy would have learned a little besides his acquiring of records and trophies and constant patting on the back.
30 years ago he probably cold have curb stomped that nazi lol. Now however... maybe he should have seen the movie "lets go to prison", if any of you guy shave seen it you will nkow what im talking about (dealing with neo nazi`s, not shower rape lol).
I saw The Juice break the 2000 yard rushing mark at Shea Stadium in the snow in 1973. I want him dead.
This guy kills two white people then brags about his sexual way with white women and some of you have bad things to say about a supposed group of Nazis beating him up? LOL! More power to the Nazis for cleaning house with this racist dirtbag.
No I stumbled onto the story.It mat be a supermarket tabloid fabrication. Because it's not widely reported. I,as well as most of america slowly turned really sour on the " juice " after learning about the real O.J. the one who liked to bully Nicole Simpson and then there was that 911 call where O.J. sounded like a crazed serial stalker in a horror movie. His moving to Florida particularly to avoid {shield} his many pensions from paying the Goldman family.Swearing he wasn't gonna give as much a dime to the Goldman's after Losing the civil case. His going right back to being Mr.Happy Go Lucky after a shady jury spent just over 4 hours deliberating a verdict on a 9 month long trial. They call it Poetic Justice ... my friend.
It was called - The Trial of the Century - and surely it ranks right up there with the Scopes Trial,which was made into a fantastic movie - Inherit The Wind -. The clash of great thinkers {Clarence Darrow vs. William Jennings Bryan} The O.J. Verdict ending with a culture shock as it socioeconomically demonstrated a huge divide in this Country.That being between Blacks & Whites.One would have been hard pressed to find a single black that didn't feel good that O.J. was found Non Guilty. It was an historic unravelling of Race divide. We're Blacks under some " Brainwashing " feeling that it was their time. Time for all Blacks to come together and finally get their just rewards for Slavery and Jim Crow.Show Whitey a thing or two about Justice. I say and said at the time that was exactly what the O.J. verdict demonstrated within the Black Commuinity.A Take That Whitey.It's our time to divvy out some pain via the courts and Mother Justice. Even Geraldo had the effrontery to go on Larry King Live and explain why the O.J. verdict was the correct verdict.The exact same thing he did with Casey Anthony. What is wrong with people.Aren't some things as simple as black & white.
Football doesn't make a man. Any monkey can run with a ball. The monster nearly decapitated his wife; turned her neck into a Pez dispenser, before getting away with it due to a shoddy prosecution team. I hope this story is true.
And not to mention what he did to Ron Goldman..... "Shoddy prosecution team" sure is right - I call it totally incompetent......
It was ridiculous how oj was convicted of KIDNAPPING!!! a few years ago. He committed a crime but it wasn't kidnapping. It was also wrong how the press convicted him of murder 15 years ago after a jury said - no way this man is being framed.
Not justifying the attack, but he got away once, and was dumb enough to (*)(*)(*)(*) around again. He made his own bed.
It may have happened early this year.First reported Febuary 15,2011. But it was buried.I stumbled onto it by mistake the other day.