Not at all. I cannot find a single post of yours that is not needlessly contentious and hostile. I just decided to respond to your comment about whites in America in kind. Do you like how it feels? If not, perhaps you should moderate your style.
Yer not being truthful.Since this is my thread I think it appropriate to point out O.J. did sit in Jail for a year and No,did not add to his net worth after he was found Not Guilty.He was pretty much left having to sell his Brentwood Home and move to Florida.He did protect his Net Worth and Pensions.His silly tell all book never gained steam. I think towards the end he was going thru his worth and thought he might be able to make a play for his memorabilia that he supposedly just gave away.He was totally unemployable and only good for small clique of on-lookers and possibly toadies who thought it cool to be seen with the Infamous,notorious " juice ". In Louisville at Jeff Ruby's Steak House O.J. was asked to leave.
Jesus, a thread dedicated to Neo-nazi "blacks with white women" propaganda, and you come to the rescue of white folk because I pointed it out. Pitiful, as usual. I love rightwing urban myths - they are the most deranged.
Prove you wrong that white people are put upon in modern America? BWHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAAHHA! No, no, I want you to keep saying that and I hope it becomes a Tea Party talking point. It's so perfectly delusionally conservative.
hate crime laws, affirmative action, cant disagree with anything black or you are racist, pointing out black crime or rates is racist, white person kills a black person its nationwide news, black person kills a white person its swept under the rug, blacks can have their own black colleges and their own schools without people talking about segregation, they can have BET but whites cant have WET or they will be called racist. whites are pretty much dealt a losing hand very often these days. im glad im mexican lol.
You make this too easy. How do I come to the rescue of white folk? When and where did this happen? I've made no note of the racial aspect of this story. To me this is a cautionary tale of a life long thug (despite all his glory and fame) and how he p*ssed his life away. You are the one, in fact, that couldn't pass up the chance to tweak whitey and start yet another racially tinged insult fest. You ought to read my post sometime.
What Lifelong Thug ? What have I started here.Are you people on the same page. O.J. Simpson was a Great Football Icon who eventually became unhinged.The entire Black Community used him as a cause celebre. That no matter how obvious his guilt,he should Go Free. Go Free in order to teach Whitey a lesson.That Blacks have good memories. That Slavery may never fully go away.That Blacks Can and Will play the Slavery card in order to try and put Whitey on that Plantation like their History did to them.
so basically what you are saying is black people believe they shouldnt be punished for any crime and whitey should now become slaves and work under blacks?
It happened when you quoted me out of context to promote your ********** flamebait ways. And you even admitted it! I love this meme.
I don't want to feed in to your racial agenda but from the start in San Francisco, O.J. was a thug gang member with a criminal record (that was ignored by an adoring press and public) and all through his life he continued to act like a thug (even threatening team mates in Buffalo with a knife when it suited him to do so). You can have the racial stuff though. I don't think it's helpful, honestly.
Meme! Yeah...time to have a drink. **********...yayyy! Drink again. Read my posts if you are confused.
That's the gist of it.Harry Belafonte and former NAACP head Julian Bond have doggone near said as much. They won't be satisfied until Whitey is put on the Plantation run by blacks.
Guess you're going to have to explain yourself a little better, can you do that? WTF are you talking about? Let's see if you even know.