Herk- from what i read- the only actual article is a press release from a company announcing it got a contract to refurbish MRAP's- which is probably exactly what you are talking about.
And I find your blatant mischaracterization of my position rather appalling. That's awful but I don't see how that's relevant to militarization of our police forces. Do you think they'd still be alive if they had an MRAP or something? And I am against the militarization of our domestic police forces, which is causing death and destruction to many innocent lives. It saddens me that so many Americans disagree with that.
news.investors.com/ibd-editorials/030513-646857-dhs-buys-special-armored-fighting-vehicles.htm Hopefully this link will work. If not, Google this: DHS buys special armored fighting vehicles (it is in Investor's Business Daily)
This is nothing but the Obama Admin gearing up for civil unrest due to his destructive policies. Yet, he wants to disarm The People.
Your link doesn't work, but let me see if I can get it to work. I googled it, and I think it's the same story. Link Yeah, ok, looks like that does work. Look, I don't mean to be a jerk, but that's still just an editorial, not a news story. And as near as I can tell, the editorial seems to be based on the same rumors that every other website seems to be publishing. I still can't find one actual news story about this. If someone can find one, I'm dying to see it, because I'd be just as disturbed by it as anyone else. I think Ethereal and Zosiasmom summed up my feelings as well as anyone in this thread - the increasing militarization of our police forces, the blurring of the line between civil law enforcement and the military, should be a matter of grave concern to everyone who values the principles upon which this country was founded. The scope of authority that the DHS claims for itself is, IMO, one of the most ominous things about the current state of the federal government. At this point, I'm dying of curiosity myself about this. If it's true, I hope someone can find a genuine news story about it.
Actually I think I figured it out. One of the threads originally referred to a story at Business Insider. That story linked to a press release about 2700 vehicles being refitted, and to a story in Spanish by Russia Today- which said that they were for the DHS. Business Insider has corrected their story: http://www.businessinsider.com/homeland-security-serving-warrants-mrap-2013-3 Update: An earlier version of this post included a figure of over 2,700 vehicles, as cited from the original RT link. This figure likely comes from a press release from Navistar Defense, mentioning delivery of 2,717 to the U.S. Marine Corps. A DHS Spokesman confirmed with Business Insider that they have only 16 nationwide. As most of us suspected, this was much, much ado about nothing.
Because the military industrial complex lobby is one of the most powerful lobbies in the country. It's what happens when you give corporations complete and total access to our lawmakers. They become the only constituent that matters. You think those tanks are destined for gated communities? LOL No, they are made to control the masses. Good luck with those guns folks.....
Yeah.... Three Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents were shot and wounded early this morning when gunfire erupted during a raid on a home in east Petaluma, federal officials say. Federal raid In Petaluma A suspect is in custody, ICE spokeswoman Virginia Kice said in a statement. The 4 a.m. raid, part of a massive law enforcement sweep this morning at 12 locations around the Bay Area, stemmed from an investigation into a 2010 triple homicide in South San Francisco, said Mike Brosnan, operations captain for South San Francisco Police. Agents dragged their wounded colleagues to cover behind a massive armored, tank-like truck that was parked at an angle in the street, said Chris Flanary, a neighbor who witnessed the raid from the nearby sidewalk. http://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/20120503/COMMUNITY/120509872/0/fast?p=2&tc=pg
Sounds like they'll put these tanks to good use then. Of course having them rumbling around the streets kinda makes us communist Russia...
I don't necessarily think it's disturbing for a large city's police force to have one or two of these vehicles in their inventory, and I'm not particularly bothered that DHS has some as well. The idea of the DHS having 2700 of them would be a different matter entirely, though. That would be very concerning to me, because I can't imagine any credible reason their stated mission would require an arsenal of that size. But even if this story is not true, it does raise a question - as Herkdriver mentioned, there are over a quarter of a million tactical wheeled vehicles in the Army's inventory at the present time, including over 20,000 of these MRAPs as well as Strykers and Humvees. What's going to happen to them now that we're out of Iraq and supposedly letting the air out of Afghanistan? MRAPs are a half million dollars a copy, and they're not going to put them up on EBay. Many will be used for training, or sold to other countries, and most will probably be put into storage for the next time we need to invade someone to defend our freedoms or whatever, but there will still be an awful lot of them that are going to be passed on to other federal agencies or sold/donated to state and local law enforcement agencies. Who's going to wind up with them? I'm going to be curious to see where those vehicles ultimately go.
As end our participation in these wars, we should end up with surplus equipment. So far though from the size of reductions I have seen proposed, it seems to me, if we only reduce our combat troops by 10% or so, we would only be reducing our need for combat vehicles by about 10% or so. And storing them away, or supplying them to National Guard Units to keep stored away seems like the most likely use. What strikes about this thread though was how much people WANT to believe that Obama and the DHS were plotting to subjugate all of America and that this rumor must be true.
What strikes me is the fact that when it was believed that the DHS was acquiring 2700 armored vehicles there were several posters who were all for it.
Homeland Security Drones Designed to Identify Civilians Carrying Guns: Recently uncovered government documents reveal that the U.S. Department of Homeland Securitys (DHS) unmanned Predator B drone fleet has been custom designed to identify civilians carrying guns and track cell phone signals. I am very concerned that this technology will be used against law-abiding American firearms owners, said founder and executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation, Alan Gottlieb. This could violate Fourth Amendment rights as well as Second Amendment rights. The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) obtained a partially redacted copy of Homeland Securitys drone requirements through a Freedom of Information Act request; CNET uncovered an unredacted copy. Homeland Security design requirements specify that its Predator B drones shall be capable of identifying a standing human being at night as likely armed or not and must be equipped with interception systems capable of reading cell phone signals. Read more: http://conservativebyte.com/2013/03...entify-civilians-carrying-guns/#ixzz2MsTbLYec
the contract in the previous fact check link states that it was a Navy contract, that reads USMC to most of us and they rarely have equipment that is identical to Army issue. they have this thing about making it easy to get them ready to drive ashore...even if they use them in a desert. god bless 'em. the USAF is more easy going. need new uniforms? phffft...they just dye some army ones blue.
Americans are totally ill prepared for an attempt at an authoritarian clamp down, imo. They do have gus, but you need more than that.
I find it difficult to quite grasp the whole matter of post #145. What are you asking and to whom and about what?
What strikes me is that what you describe is exactly the same phenomenon which prevents some of you Obamabots from recognizing that there are STILL many issues about his past which remain unexplored or unrevealed or where the truth is still fuzzy. We see these matters and want to get to the truths of them. You settle for a facade of the facts and wish not to look any further because the facade satisfies your level of curiosity? Maybe to some degree, but more likely, you know that anything that is found in a more thorough investigation and attempt at fully vetting him will threaten his reputation or status and you just love him so much no amount of dirt or crime would disqualify him in your eyes, so you'd rather just try to stifle any talk of his lack of vetting or his lack of qualification. We patriots saw what turned out to be an innaccurate story about the DHS buying 2700 MRAPS and that's what we wanted to be true so we looked no further for the truth. You Obamabots saw Obama's propaganda and superficially thorough life story and that's all you wanted to see because you wanted it to be true.
I guess the combined population of PF has simply made a "resident Muslim poster" statement to your post as the "resident Muslim posters" lack of response to my thread... http://www.politicalforum.com/polit...hey-read-anti-islam-posts.html#post1062371497 ...constituted a statement from PF's Muslims.