A contact e-mailed this video about Obama's eligibility. Likely many of you have seen this and can inform. This mini-documentary is engaging... but if this is so, the GOP congressmen have done little and must have known. What is Obama's run preparing America for? [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3aCfR8rmrw"]BLOCKBUSTER REVELATION! - MINI Documentary - Illegal Obama "Propped Up" By Congress! - YouTube[/ame] From what I have learned about Marxism, Socialism which leads to Communism, is that it may come across as for the people, the masses, the working class, it seems to be for the elite who rule.
James, this has been posted at least three other times on the boards. But tell me your specific concerns regarding eligibility and I will be glad to address them- but not some video being spammed via email. Please address the issue of eligiblity- remember your opinion on his political orientation has nothing to do with eligiblity.
If it has been posted several times and keeps criculating then there must be people who are concerned about who is president, why, and how? The shocking thing is that candidates in both parties are not properly vetted.
Hahahahaha.. Its real stupid video.. Research the amendments they speak of. This is simply a new testament to poor public school education and ignorance.
Yeah...sure. If something keeps "circulating around the internet" it MUST be true. Here's another popular "vid" that should concern all Americans. Make sure you watch it to the end because it is VERY revealing!!! [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH2-TGUlwu4"]Nyan Cat [original] - YouTube[/ame] Over 62,000,000 people have viewed this vid just on youtube. So there must be something to it, right? I mean, it's not like people just make (*)(*)(*)(*) up and post it on the internet, amiright?
James- you dodged my question. Seriously- you yourself could be the only one posting this video all over the web- that by itself is meaningless. Do you have a real question or do you just like spreading video's around?
I posted a concern about vetting which could solve future problems. When millions of people question the validity it isn't meaningless.
What concern? Seriously James- what is your concern- you pasted a video here- have you watched it yourself? I am more than willing to discuss any aspect of the vetting which concerns you. I am not saying the that the concerns of millions of people are meaningless- i am trying to understand what exactly is your concern.
It is bothersome, at times to repeat. Are you not pro-vetting. The word means checking one out, references. Obama was not checked out or he was allowed to go through perhaps by both parties, members who are part of the crony system. Obama is socialist influenced period, and once a Muslim, perhaps still is. But you do not seem to be concerned. Because... I am not a conspiracy nut but sometimes there are interesting articles by those who are labelled as such. "It would do us well to look twice at those who mock and ridicule anyone who questions the legitimacy of Barack Hussein Obama as President. The reader might find this difficult to believe after the onslaught of media assertions to the contrary, but the simple fact is that we really do not know who we have put in the White House, including his legal name. Obama was never properly vetted, and despite claims to the contrary, never submitted an actual hardcopy of his long form birth certificate to any legitimate body for review and examination. Just saying he did does not make it so. "Furthermore, why the secrecy surrounding the release of his other records? Passport records, school records, and so on? Why has he spent so much money fighting their release? Ridicule if you must, Obama would not pass any background investigation we would perform for a position on any board of directors of a Fortune 100 company in light of what little he has personally provided, along with his refusal to turn over other records related to his past. Yet, he sits in the White House at such a precipitous time in our history. His placement there was no accident, and his election was not some serendipitous event in U.S. history. "Meanwhile, crony capitalism - birthed by the creation of the Federal Reserve and exploited by career politicians and their financial counterparts- made significant inroads over the last few decades, exacerbating pre-existing societal divides. A perfect storm is now brewing. "Now, when the terrorist ideology of the radical left is combined with the effects of crony capitalism, we have a much more fertile environment for orchestrated social unrest than at any other time in history. Add to that an elected president with a communist heritage who launched his political career in the Ayers/Dohrn household, the timing is anything but coincidental, and the path to chaos should be quite clear." Doug Hagmann and Joseph Hagmann OWS & the planned endgame for the U.S. - D. Hagmann & J. Hagmann http://www.canadafreepress.com/inde...7abb1daabb-Call_to_Champions&utm_medium=email
i hear that often claimed. From everything I saw, Obama was vetted by the same political process as every previous President. He was vetted in the exact same manner as Bush was and Clinton was. Just like Bush and Clinton, various lies and rumors were spread about him, and the media reported on some and not on others. You are welcome to your opinion, but either you have a very poor understanding of socialism or we look at it very differently. But the very rumors you are stating were being spread prior to the 2008 election- I know- I got them in my email. Except that is just a lie promoted by his opposition. A lie that has been descredited over and over. Even John McCain called that a lie. However, when it comes to matters of faith, I accept what people call themselves- Newt calls himself a Catholic now- so I accept that- Ronald Reagan called himself a Christian- and so does Obama. Since there is no relevance to religion to eligibility, this whole discussion of what God he does or does not pray to has nothing to do with any eligiblity concerns you might have. I am not concerned because neither being a Muslim or being a Socialist has any bearing on eligiblity- which is supposedly the topic of your thread. So are you concerned about eligibility or vetting?
Both. This forum is flooded with leftist obfuscation, That is the motto of the left Obfuscation of the nation. Obama was nominated because he was the flavour of the time, a quasi-blackman. Harvard. Connected. But influenced. Did you read what I posted. The Hagmanns are no fools and have done their work. That doesn't mean all conservatives were jolly good and did the right thing.
How have I tried to obfuscate anything James? Rather than banal partisan generalities, lets point to you and I. You posted a clearly partisan Youtube video. I asked you to present what your own specific objections were. I still can't see where you have stated what your specific issues regarding eligiblity are. Who is obfuscating then James- you or I? Every nominees is the flavour of the moment. Every single one. Reagan, Bush, Clinton- all of them. The 'quasi-blackman' thing irritates me- and if you want to stand up to your assertion please do so. Meanwhile since you want me to critique Hagmann's claims (which you don't claim as your own)- I don't know who they are but lets look at them. .[/QUOTE] It would do us well to look twice at those who mock and ridicule anyone who questions the legitimacy of Barack Hussein Obama as President. The reader might find this difficult to believe after the onslaught of media assertions to the contrary, but the simple fact is that we really do not know who we have put in the White House, including his legal name. .[/QUOTE] Okay- this is just their assertion- they make it without ANY facts to support their assertion. And it is just a lie. The State of Hawaii has confirmed that his name is indeed Barack Obama. The State Department has confirmed it. We have seen his passport and his birth certificate. We have far, far more confirmation of what Barack Obama's legal name is than we have for any other President. For the Hagman's to say otherwise is just a lie. I would say ignorance- but they know this stuff- so it is a wilful lie. Obama was 'vetted' in exactly the same way as previous Presidents. Hagmann's don't even try to show how he was not vetted 'properly' which would mean vetted as previous Presidents. There is no requirement or obligation for any candidate to submit any birth certifcate to any 'legitimate body" for review. There doesn't even exist such a body. The Hagman's don't even name what they claim would be such a body. But this is what we do know. President Obama showed reporters his certified original copy of his birth certificate. The State of Hawaii confirmed it is authentic and that he was born in Hawaii. This is more than sufficient evidence, and more than any other President has shown. What secrecy? Seriously again the Hagman's fail to provide any evidence of any of their claims. Barack Obama hasn't released his school records- neither have any other candidates. None of them have released their passport records either. And their claim about a background check is again- purely their unsupported claim. And immaterial at that to his eligibility. The Constitution does not require that a President submit for a background check. The voters are his background check. The rest is just conspiracy innuendo BS. Again- completely unsupported.