i wondered how perceives N.Korea. i heard that Hawaii is on their balls of the feet regarding N.Korea... isnt Obama worried that his home country will be nuked? US has got a military base in Hawaii and it helps to maintain it through bilateral aid (like it helps Israel).. Why is there so little attention on N.Korea and so much on Iran? (Iran hasnt even got a nuke yet)
Uncle Ferd says to nuke `em a-fore dey nuke us... North Korea making missile able to hit U.S. Monday, December 5, 2011 - Republicans press Pentagon for long-range interceptors
American policy is if they are not white they are subject to nuclear attack. Isreal is just hyping up the Iran to the cowards to instigate the USA into war with another middle east country. Everyone in that part of the world knows that the USA has nukes and will use it particularly when we get desperate for money and wealth. And we are looking pretty close to bottom. As far as Korea is concerned we could nuke them and put all the koreans in camps and take away their property. But will the USA do it? who knows.