Obamacare bankruptin' hospitals... Obamacare Set To Drive New Wave Of Hospital Bankruptcies Nov 28, 2017 - Back in 2008, one of the biggest arguments in favor of Obamacare was that the legislation would help alleviate bad debt at hospitals created by people who required emergency care but didn't have health insurance or the financial means to cover their treatment. Of course, like most promises made about Obamacare, the exact opposite of the Left's original theories has played out in reality as restructuring lawyers are now warning that the healthcare industry is about to experience a massive wave of hospital bankruptcies. Per Bloomberg:
In America, 30,000 to 50,000 people go bankrupt due to medical bills (not the 500,000 that Bernie Sanders falsely believes). Forget Obamacare, Trumpcare, or Bidencare and go for HNScare.