The time is nearing.There isn't enough hours in a week to deliberate over exactly who or what will be needed to Defeat Obama and done so swiftly.I think Newt is the guy who could pull it off. The strategy that Abe Lincoln pursued to bait and confront Senator Stephen Douglas,who did everything possible to dodge,the young,tall lumberjack politician.Self-taught and brought up in a simple country log cabin,Abe followed the Senator around,tailing him like a puppy dog would a mother.Abe needed to have his say and let the country decide the contrast between himself and Douglas.Therefore SeVen debates were arranged and the rest is History. Newt Gingrich's tactic should work to a tee.Obama,literally fashioned himself,the new Abe Lincoln,using a Philly-Springfield whistle stop train tour as part of his Campaign repertoire.So,If the Now UnAbe Obama shies away from such a forum { Lincoln-Douglas style debate } he will prove himself the coward,a fraud and unworthy of anyone's vote. I don't think a memo is in order ... Herr Obama. This is a Representative Republic.Not a Dictatorship.You have to Campaign and Win an Election,not merely give the appearance of such.Out schmoozing a pre-choreographed and staged/friendly audience,with nary a hardline snag of explanation forthwith.Just the now Boring,cocky,UnAbe Obama acting as usual.Just business as usual.Obama Presidentcy is 9/10th the law.Possession of the Presidency is 90% of the law.Obama can if he so chose,just sashay into another term,no one the wiser. Not so fast,Bub.Newt is on the march.The American people don't operate in some Socialistic vacuum.Americans test and retest.Train and retrain. Newt will take the battle for the Presidency directly to the steps of Our White House if need be.I like that.It's about time Obama ... Man Up. Put up or shut up.I'm tired of all this Lamestream Lolligaging. Obama must descend from atop his cushy perch and at least defend his Presidency.That is an American tradition. No where is it written ... Life is Easy. I don't care what proclamations this guy in our white house implores.