Who said Omicron does not kill? Think again...... Compared to other Variants, Omicron is definitely more Flu-ish, but logically, if the Flu kills, then so as Omicron. Headline; Omicron has caused higher increase in U.S. daily death count than Delta Variant “But like the Flu, it can be deadly, especially for people who are older, have other health problems, or are unvaccinated” Source; pbs.org U.S. Daily Deaths, 7-Day Rolling Average; 2,267 Delta’s Highest Daily Deaths, 7-Day Rolling Average; 2,100 ________
There is one significant difference in that Omicron is occurring during the flu season whereas Delta occurred during the summer. I suspect that if Delta was dominant now there would be more deaths than there are from Omicron. Omicron can kill but are the number of deaths significantly greater than the normal number of flu deaths which I presume are lower than normal at the moment? My reason for writing this is that I don't think people who get the Omicron variant should be forced to go into isolation. I found out yesterday that I got Covid, probably Omicron, but I have no symptoms yet still have to isolate until I get two successive negatives. People should only isolate if they feel poorly as they would from any other viral infections.
Here’s our problem....... 6 in 10 Adults in the U.S. have a chronic disease 4 in 10 Adults have 2 or more chronic diseases ....almost half of the population. Myself; a. Type 2 Diabetes b. I’m high risk of getting pneumonia....I need a Pneumococcal vaccine. In addition, U.S. ranks very high for several comorbidities that Covid likes the most. ___________ For anyone’s info, prior to the Pandemic, and when I had the Flu, I was social distancing, and I avoided contact with elders. In other words, when I had the Flu, I was protecting others. Have we all been Covid Conscious, our death toll wouldn’t have surpassed 200,000.
Yes, if I had a bad cold or flu I would also stay away from people because firstly, I would not feel well enough to go anywhere other than stay at home and secondly, I would not like to pass it on to anyone. If I was asymptomatic with flu I would not know that I had flu and so would still go out. As it is I am asymptomatic with Covid at the moment. I am not convinced that Covid asymptomatic people are significantly contagious enough to warrant self quarantining. I feel that this current variant could be used to reach herd immunity towards the current variant and near future variants if allowed to run its course. I hope this variant is not a lost opportunity
Quote; Omicron can kill, but are the number of deaths significantly greater than the normal number of flu deaths? We won’t know TIL end of February/early March What we know is compared to Delta, and in the U.S., and relative to X number of infections, Omicron is approx. 4 times less deadly, however, approx. 5 times more contagious.
Quote; We won’t know TIL end of February/early March In addition, no one knows our current Delta/Omicron daily death toll ratio, but Omicron has certainly increased our Daily Deaths 7-Day Rolling Average.
I say it. Omicron does not kill (other than hijacking some cells). It is the pneumonia that can be induced that can kill (especially if not caught early enough). Why? You cannot have a variant of a variant (just like you cannot have a brother of a brother... just like that person is simply your brother, Omicron is simply a variant-- of the SARS-CoV family of viruses, not of COVID-19, which itself is a variant) ... in symptoms, yes... Same with most of the other SARS-CoV variants, including COVID-19. It does not (for the same reasoning listed above). It does not (see above). Complete and utter BS. Flu and Omicron, in and of themselves, do not kill. It is the pneumonia that can be induced that can kill. Bingo. The older one is, and the more comorbidities one has, the more susceptible one is to having a rougher go with any sort of disease. Complete and utter BS. I do not accept PBS as a valid source.
Did you read or hear something regarding the spread between asymptomatic and symptomatic COVID sufferers?
I don’t accept any source as is...... PBS headline is misleading, and in a previous post, I explained the why. Also, Covid/Flu kills is a common saying, however, both are “underlying cause of death” Definition; “A disease or injury that initiated the train of events leading directly to death” For example; John Doe had a motorcycle, and was pronounced dead at the scene. John may have died of the following causes; Head injuries Spinal injuries Internal bleeding However, his underlying cause of death; Unintentional injuries