From Arizona to Alaska we have idiots popping up everywhere. The Hawaii Dept of Health, the sole authority for determining Hawaii natural born citizenship which automatically establishes US natural born citizenship, has publically certified that Obama is a natural born citizen. It has also issued not one but two certified birth certificates for Obama that all States must accept as proof of citizenship based upon the Full Faith and Credit clause of the US Constitution. Of course this absurd lawsuit will never go anywhere. CASE DISMISSED!
"Epperly also questions U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi's right to run for federal office since she's a woman. " geee-sus-krist...
i hate to say it, but i'm still uncomfortable with you belittling birthers and moderating at the same time. i just don't see how that's fair.... sorry.
So mods can't call a spade a spade? That birthers are a gigantic minority and almost entirely comprised of folks with below average intelligence is reality.
Nah, you were probably banned for another reason. It take a bit of work to get banned around these parts.
perhaps they could recuse themselves from moderating amongst passionate discourse/instigation. i don't know. i doesn't seem right to ridicule people for their beliefs then ban them for complaining about using the board position as a tool. mixed message i guess. i am always on the outside of this debate. so i expect another ban i guess, see you in some months if i do. whatever.
Nah, you were probably banned for another reason. It take a bit of work to get banned around these parts. that's not true, look at the record.
I could care less if Obama was born in the USA or not. I suspect he wasn't. But we voted him in and that was that. However, I think that for this second election---people have a more vetted president and thus more information for an informed vote. The lawsuits basically serve the same purpose that should have been done by the Media---brought the topic out for discussion. Its not a totally closed case and needs discussion. Calling people names and demeaning them is more of a tactic to divert.
if i must argue against and without respect to/for the constitution, i say this in no way represents the birther community as i know it.
Then please allow someone who is certainly no friend of the moderation panel to state it. Hucksterism is the rejection of fact and subsequent substitution of fiction to support a theory that is inane and a poorly scripted conspiracy theory.
The moderators of Political Forum are first and foremost members of Political Forum and are allowed to express their personal opinions on any topic as members of Political Forum. None of us would be moderators if that wasn't the case. I have not deleted any posts that questioned this even though all of those posts were off topic to the discussion. I will delete any future discussion about the moderator's Right to address any topic as a member of Political Forum. If a post addresses specific moderator actions, which has not occurred on this thread yet with the exception of this post, then the member would be in violation of the Forum Rules. The Forum Rules will be enforced as that is a function of moderation. Shiva_TD Site Moderator
I will say the Shiva will refrain from moderating a thread he is involved in , he is fair and balanced!
Please excuse the auto correct. What my post should have said is as follows. Birtherism is the rejection of fact and subsequent substitution of fiction to support a theory that is inane and a poorly scripted conspiracy theory.
Many "birthers" don't understand why it is a "conspiracy theory" and that can be clarified. The Government of the State of Hawaii has clearly stated that Obama was born in Honolulu in 1961 and is a natural born citizen of Hawaii which automatically makes him a natural born citizen of the United States based upon the 14th Amendment. It would require a conspiracy by the State of Hawaii to commit fraud for Obama to not be a natural born citizen of Hawaii. It isn't about whether "brithers" are conspiring but instead that their claims would mean that numerous officials of the State of Hawaii would have to be engaged in conspiracy of felony fraud for Obama to not be a natural born citizen of the United States.
Couldn't agree more, CKW. I'll be the one laughing the loudest if and when it ever comes out that Barack was born in Kenya. To know his father was from Kenya and absolutely refuse to believe he could've been born there, then taken to Hawaii is based on a single factor... the left's absolute adoration for Obama and refusal to believe he could do anything wrong. I share scott e's position on mods calling people idiots. If we do it, it's called flamebait. If they do it, it's called expressing their opinion. Double standard. P.S. I actually got a dislike from a mod last night. LOL, nothing like admitting they've got it in for ya, huh??
Aww.. someone wants to play the victim ='( So you believe that the Hawaiian government conspired with the current president to falsify official documents?
Perhaps folks refuse to believe it because it is really bad conspiracy theory that has not a single, not s single, not one shred of evidence to support such a ridiculous theory. I am often amazed at how folks will take facts and reject them purely out of what appears to be partisanship. There is no evidence the president's birth had any circumstances that are contrary to the fact that he was born in Hawaii.