The use of one word instead of another is all it takes to fool the public. Instead of saying we are going to country X to kill people then few Americans or other other members of the Anglosphere would do it, we say we are going to country X to 'help' people, and they are all on board.
The difference between 'help' and 'kill' too fine a distinction to matter to politicians or most of the public. Our 'police action' in Vietnam consisted mostly of B-52 bombers carrying huge bomb loads. In all more bombs were dropped on Vietnam than in both theaters in the whole of WW2. That fits broadly under the category of 'help' as used in the USA. I don't think if another country 'helped' us by bombing us that we would still call it 'help'. We got the war in Ukraine into it's current stage by sending over big shipments of 'help'.
If you just look at a map of the Russian defensive line it is obvious Russian forces are defending the city of Donetsk, and not as the Biden Administration claimed attacking the people of Ukraine. But little word changes help with that because we can call our aggression 'initiative' and their defense 'cowardice'.
Our intelligence service supplies 'disinformation'. That sounds a whole lot more professional and deserving a big budget to hire top talent, than just plain old 'lying'.