ONLY-OBAMA refers to the events revolving around "only Obama" being responsible for virtually every problem that exists within the American government, according to a very large and significant portion of the population, as well as by leading Republican politicians on record (interviews, etc.). To single one person out in this manner I have never seen before. I never saw this much anger even on Bush's final day at work. Why? Why? Go ahead, ask yourself. I would like it to be discussed by legitimate political scientists because I think it's just basicallly raises a --huge red flag.--
Actually, if you look at various polls, Obama shares the blame but people still remember how badly Bush messed things up in this country and they are beginning to realize that the Republicans aren't working to make things better.
Actually, your basic premise is wrong. Many problems are not laid to President Obama's doorstep. He has also never, not once, accepted responsbility for anything. It's President Bush's fault, it's the fault of the Republicans, it's the fault of the rich, it's the fault of corporations, it's the fault of the Congress, it's the fault of small business, and it's the fault of the American citizens. Since your initial observation is ridiculous your question is obviously pointless. However, President Obama ran for President not for what he'd done or what he'd accomplished because he'd done very little and accomplished nothing. He ran for President as "Hope and Change". He ran as the "You are the ones you've been waiting for" candidate. Then, when the "change" that each individual voter had "hoped" for didn't happen, they were angry. They felt betrayed. Not me, but many. President Obama pursued the same old tired left-wing agenda of class warfare, higher taxes, ever more regulation and control of the individual. Nothing new. Nothing changed. And nothing anyone but the far left hoped for. So, now, a question for you, fool. What is your answer for the bogus question? What is the big "why?" What is the "red flag"? Is the red flag symbolic beyond the bull ring?
Bush got blamed for everything, from 9-11 to Katrina. It is common practice to blame the president for many things beyond his control.
true that. I have a theory though that if Flying Alien Robots invaded America tomorrow, then the GOP would blame Obama. It's what the opposition in every country does when they are not in power is blame everything on the one in power and then insist that if they were in charge they would do better, when in reality they would be just as bad.