I just posted this question at Libertarian Forum, and I'd like to ask it here, too: France and Germany fought a lot of bloody wars against each other, but have torn down the border stations between countries and there are now just signs reading Welcome to Germany and Welcome to France. Would anyone be willing to read this Hans-Hermann Hoppe article, below, that appeared today, and tell me if he is in favor of tearing down the US border stations between the US and Mexico and Canada? Could you tell me in one word, yes or no? http://www.lewrockwell.com/2014/07/hans-hermann-hoppe/free-immigration-is-forced...
From the link: Things are not equal. The people coming in from the south are ill educated, and carrying diseases. Canada isn't a problem in that regard, so why are people invading through the south and not the north? I think the answer is obvious. Open borders isn't practical or even remotely smart. oh hell no Obama wants 4 billion to take care of these people. They don't belong here and we can't afford the cost, let alone the diseases they're bringing in. Mr. Obama is breaking the law by welcoming them and encouraging them to come here (which by his actions and words, he did). He's trying to import future democrat voters. He should be under arrest for what he's doing to this country.
People can list all kinds of potential problems with allowing others freedom of movement. They did it with Irish, Italians, and others, too. But, if I want to sell my home to a family from Mexico that doesn't have any statist paperwork, I don't see how any person or any group of people can provide a logically moral and ethical reason to prevent me from doing so.
Without any paperwork they could never prove it was their house making it open to claim by anyone. Pretty simple concept.
Milton and Rose Friedman's son, Professor David Friedman, addresses some nitty-gritty issues such as contracts, deeds, insurance, and pollution, without the benefit of politicians and coercive government, in his book The Machinery of Freedom http://www.amazon.com/Machinery-Fre...9493&sr=1-1&keywords=the+machinery+of+freedom