This is EXACTLY why Obama must NOT have another chance at appointing Supreme Court Justices... Justice Ginsburg Reminds Us What is at Stake in November: This Novembers election isnt about the direction of our country over the next four years its about the very survival of our Constitution, our values, and our freedoms as we know them. If freedom-loving Americans needed any more evidence for this, U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recently provided it. In a visit to Cairo, Egypt, Justice Ginsburg told Al Hayat television, I would not look to the U.S. Constitution, if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012. Instead, she urged Egyptians to look elsewhere to more modern constitutions in South Africa, Canada, and even the European Convention on Human Rights. Of course, not one of these governing documents comes close to adequately guaranteeing the fundamental human rights and liberties enshrined in our U.S. Constitution. Its also worth pointing out that Ginsburgs eagerness to diminish the sanctity of Americas supreme law is hardly shocking, as this isnt the first time shes gone out of her way to disparage the document she swore an oath to uphold. But her comments should serve as a chilling reminder of everything that is at stake in this years presidential election. If President Barack Obama wins reelection, he could have the opportunity to fill up to three vacancies on the Supreme Court. And as weve seen in his first term, Obama is not interested in appointing sound, originalist nominees to the high court. Rather, the President is committed to stacking the court with anti-Second Amendment, anti-freedom justices who are motivated to make rulings that dismantle the fundamental freedoms guaranteed in our Bill of Rights. In essence, Obama wants judges in the Ruth Bader Ginsburg mold, who are brazen enough to undermine the very laws and individual human rights they swear to defend. For example, in the Supreme Courts landmark Heller decision that narrowly struck down Washington, D.C.s unconstitutional gun ban by a 5-4 vote, Ginsburg and three of her colleagues concluded that the Second Amendment does not guarantee an individual right to own a firearm, nor does it protect our right to defend ourselves, our property, or our loved ones. Ginsburg may have lost that round, but assuredly, she knows how close the anti- freedom wing of the court is to erasing our Second Amendment freedom out of existence. As Ginsburg told a Harvard Club audience in 2009, she looks forward to the day when a future, wiser court overturns 5-4 decisions like Heller. Source
Quite the opposite , you upset Dinosaur . The world needs Obama and clear headed people like Ginsburg to drag the US back to respectability . We just have to drag fossils like you screaming and kicking to that better place .
Having more dinosaurs like Scalia, Thomas scares me to death. As to Ginzburg's comments, she is merely saying that the US consitution fit the 1700's and that more modern constitutions would be a better fit. I know this is sacrilege to the right who after all would love to drag us back to the 1700's.
Oh PUHLEEEEEEEZZZZE!!!!! The US Constitution has been amended more than 2 dozen times since its original creation and even in 1789 it was severely flawed in that: It enshrined slavery into your national government It failed to protect the rights of women and minorities To name a couple. It is not the holy but if you want to worship it have fun but your other religion's first commandment may have some problems with your new religion.
Give it a few more years and you will have to . "The right to bear arms " . You big girls . You couldn't knock over a Fairy without your toys .
What you are in essence saying is that you hope Obama succeeds in imposing the leftist agenda on the half of the American people who are hostile to that agenda.
If you choose to exaggerate the matter , I am quite happy to give the easy answer of , "Yes" The advantage is that it will rid the rest of us of a group who have little to recommend themselves in terms of tolerance , care and compassion and in terms of Homo Sapiens are really no longer fit for purpose . Politics has nothing to do with it . More a matter of Sheep and Goats .
Not what I said! The constitution is dated, hence the numerous ammendments. That's what Ginzburg was saying as well.
Of course it is dated. It's old, but it is what gives us our freedoms that most countries do not have. Old, but good. Why change it?
It's cute to communicate with a real live Hilly Billy . I guess you need to check out what that civil disturbance was about , who was involved and why ( notice how I approach him with a hint of American bonhomie and the style of a bumbling woodsman . To humour him ) . I don't know what Fox has been playing with your brain , but it seems to me that you have been foxed all the way .
It takes 2/3's of Congress and 3/4'ths of the States to pass an amendment. I freely admit that a balanced budget amendment would be a good idea, but the hurdles would be impossible, both sides would have so many special interest ideas that a majority would never be attained. We all can agree that many amendments need to be made, so a better mechanism needs to be included in the Constitution. The rights spelled out in our Constitution are often better spelled out in the Constitutions of other nations, our arrogant and uneducated leaders pretend it is an attack on our honor to think there are flaws in our system of law when in fact we make good laws all the time that completely ignore the specific meaning of the Constitution, letting precedent be the major mechanism of law.
I agree in a way. The reason to re-elect Obama is simply because of his potential supreme court nominations- our freedoms are at stake.
If you think that freedom loving Americans that cherish their Constitution are Hill Billies, then I guess there are a lot of them. Unfortunately for you, your words are that of a statist zombie that obviously has no problem letting go of liberty and freedom. I know what the disturbance was about. My point was that many innocent store owners and citizens were left unprotected since they cannot arm themselves anymore.