Corey Booker, an American Democrat Politician, thinks that we went to the Moon. Democrat Politicians, within America anyways, are the ones in America saying that the Moon landing, is all fake. Here is one, caught on tape, saying otherwise. Cory Booker Compares the Green New Deal to Fighting Nazis, Moon Landing, Marshall Plan (
The fact is NASA kired the legendary film director Stanley Kubrick to film a fake lunar landing on a sound stage. However the cost was so expensive they were forced to film on location.
I'm sure you know this already, but for those who don't - the original rubbish about Kubrick actually was a tongue in cheek April Fools article that went into copious detail about him and his attention to detail, culminating in that very line about his insistence they filmed it on location. Needless to say the hoaxnuts failed to understand that part of the article. Thus the urban-myth was born and no amount of counter explanation will reach through the to the stupid.