Pelosi has argued that low-interest rates are an incentive to borrow more for pandemic relief in this fifth round of stimulus bills. "The interest rates and the prospect of access to credit has bolstered the stock market. We intend to use those interest rates to bolster the American people,” Pelosi said on Friday. McFarland said China has "weaponized a virus" and will continue to use the U.S.' debt to its advantage. "They want to take this crisis that they're responsible for and they want to come out the other side of it with America greatly-- even more greatly-- in debt to them," she said. "They're buying up our companies, our industries right now at fire-sale prices and at the same time they're not helping at all with the recovery of the world." There is no limit to what China will do to put itself over us. They are trying to be the number one economy in the world and the number one super power. Unfortunately there are a significant number of Americans willing and eager to aid and abet them in the achievement of that goal.
Nancy Pelosi is willing to make us subservient to China in order to fund her progressive policy goals, Green new deal, and socialized medicine.
The democrats would make it continue to be so. Trump is beginning to set things right. Likely why they attacked us with the virus.
Perhaps he is shoring up the debt China owes us for spreading this virus. Hopefully we'll just write it off.
He signed the last $2 trillion dollar bail out. He's only going to threaten the next bail out until they spend the money where he wants, but it's still going to be a $3 trillion dollar bail out. Trump just may tie Obama's record spending for 8 years, in just one term.
You can't "just write it off," Every other foreign bank you go to will just jack up the interest rates once you default. Trump had a chance to get control of the budget in his first three years - instead, he spent over $3.5 trillion borrowed dollars just to make the stock market look better - and by extension, himself.
So you think it is a good idea to keep going to foreign banks? I set myself up in life where I don't go to banks at all. Is that unwise? Also, how do you get control of the budget when the House is completely opposed to you and wants you removed?
Dude - we're $25 trillion in debt, and the Republicans don't want to raise taxes to pay the interest - let alone the principle on that debt, so yes, we have to go to foreign banks. Good old Ronald Reagan threw out any chance for a balanced budget when he allowed the debt to be raised 170%, and Presidents, and the political parties realized you could still be popular and spend money you didn't have at the same time. You want a balanced budget? You can't get there by slashing taxes AND raising spending like Trump has done for the last three years. you I would like a balanced budget. I would like a great economy and a slashed government size to get there. We could do it that way. Government is way too excessive. Un elected bureaucrats need to be sent packing.
Too late. We've already become the selfish pricks who are going to dump these problems off on our grandchildren. Trump is just like every other politician - he spends money we don't have to make the voters think he is doing a good job, just like every President since Carter.
But the Senate Republicans and President Trump is holding up relief for the US, that is exactly what the Republicans yelled about the Dems during the passage of the $2.2 trillion dollar Stimulus and the following PPP loan stimulus redux bill.. But now they are crying that it's Pelosi that is wrong for wanting to spend more on the stimulus programs...