Peter Brimelow, a voice against excessive immigration

Discussion in 'Immigration' started by Anders Hoveland, Jun 12, 2012.

  1. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    This is an excellent analysis on the American immigration situation, an interview with Brimelow on a British program:


    Peter Brimelow has also spoken at the Conservative Political Action Conference. Speakers in the past at this conference have included Ronald Reagon, George Bush, Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, and Rush Limbaugh. This is a growing organisation, roughly half those in attendance are university students.

    On one website, Brimelow described the results of the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, which was endorsed by Ted Kennedy: "In effect, the 1965 Act choked off immigration from the traditional sources of immigration to the U.S., namely Europe, and it allowed a small number of third world countries to capture the inflow. And, above all, Mexico. The Mexican government, the Mexican ruling class, appears to have simply made the decision to export its poor to the U.S." ( website, 2005) "The mass immigration so thoughtlessly triggered in 1965 risks making America an alien nation — not merely in the sense that the numbers of aliens in the nation are rising to levels last seen in the 19th century; not merely in the sense that America will become a freak among the world's nations because of the unprecedented demographic mutation it is inflicting on itself; [and] not merely in the sense that Americans themselves will become alien to each other, requiring an increasingly strained government to arbitrate between them." ( website, 2005)

    Explaining the reasons for the September 11, 2001 terrorist plane crashes into the World Trade Center towers, Brimelow explained, "It's the immigration, stupid!"

    Peter Brimelow is an immigrant himself, having been born in the United Kingdom and immigrating to the USA in 1980. He has written a book, Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster, criticising America's lax immigration policy. So successful has he been in advocating for immigration change, that several liberal political organisations have begun to throw accusations of racism (just like they do to anyone else who speaks against current immigration policy).

    Asked about white nationalism, Brimelow wrote, though not a white nationalist himself, "white nationalism, explicit or implicit, is simply inevitable, as America balkanizes because of government immigration policy. ... [I think it is a] legitimate response to the immigration-driven ethnic shift and the rise of ethno-centric politics on the part of the minorities." These comments earned him harsh criticism from the "Southern Poverty Law Center".
    waltky and (deleted member) like this.
  2. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Here is part of the transcript in Peter Brimelow's interview by Michael Cohen on The Sun:

    Cohen: The immigration issue – the one you're not meant to discuss. But there's a US election and there are candidates that will discuss it, but do they discuss it properly, are they really being genuine about it?

    Brimelow: Now the various candidates- I can't imagine many Democrats would discuss this- but Republicans for example, are they being open and honest about immigration policy?

    Cohen: No, of course not... But they're faced with an insurrection from the grassroots, from their own people, and as long as they have to attend town hall meetings and take questions from the electorate then they have to face the issue. And that's particularly true for illegal immigration.

    Brimelow: Everybody on the campaign trail for the Republicans now say their against “amnesty” - they're lying of course, and particularly speaker Gingrich has which it will be de facto amnesty, but they know that they have to disguise it. Unfortunately there is very little discussion of “legal” immigration which is proceeding at a million a year despite the terribly high unemployment here. I'm afraid that's because basically the American people essentially don't understand legal immigration- they see the effects but they think it's all due to illegal immigration

    Cohen: Now let's talk about the illegal aspect first. The fear of discussion... There's always been this dichotomy between ordinary people and the elite, on various issues I think, but is this because of the influence of the Hispanic-Latino vote?

    Brimelow: No, you know the Hispanic vote is extremely small in the U.S. They cast about 7% of the last... the vote in 2008... it actually 'fell' in the 2010 election. There are a lot of very vocal hispanic consultants that want to tell politicians what to do, and they are the media's ears so that's why we hear so much about it. I think the essential reason people are afraid to talk about it- well I should say, there are very powerful interests that benefit from this situation, and they don't want it discussed. But I think the essential reason is what I call Hitler's Revenge, you know. The effects,- the trauma- of struggling against nazism in World War II left the whole Western world so terrified and paranoid about racism... that they've gone overboard the other way. And so now you have a situation where every is faced with its whole population going into a minority within the lifetime of people watching this show- and we're not allowed to discuss it... (quite resignation)

    Cohen: Yeah, it's certainly true in Europe, I wasn't aware it has happening in the U.S. You have unemployment in the States higher than you've had for two, three generations. Surely people realise that, as much as immigration- at a certain extent- has to be acceptable, when you don't have the jobs for people who already live there, surely you don't bring new people in!

    Brimelow: Yeah, it's proceeding at over a million a year, and governor Romney has said he wants to give a green card- that is to say the equivalent of a legal alien status- to everyvbody that graduates with a technical degree in the U.S. Or foreigners graduating with a technical degree. So that's going to further bust down wages and increase unemployment among the 'skilled' Americans. It's an incredible situation. It drives me crazy. I have this website,, and we've looked at this question and what we've found is that the reason Americans don't go into these high tech degrees is because the wages, when you get out, are so terrible. They'e stagnant. And that's because- largely because- the immigrant influx.

    Cohen: Now some people say it's a right-left issue, however, there are many powerful, quite conservative minded people who want open immigration because their employees will earn less, and their profits will be higher.

    Brimelow: You know the Canadian-American journalist Dave Frub, who you know, came up with a brilliant line; he said that immigration is the only issue where you can do what K-street- that is the lobbyists- want you to do. And you can be congratulated on being moral and virtuous. And I'm afraid that's true. There are really powerful interests. If you look at the economics of immigration, it's basically an attack by the owners of capital on the living standards of the working class- that's essentially what it is. I say this as a long time Conservative Republican. But I have to say is susceptible to very crude Marxist analysis. Of course, on the other hand the Democrats just want to elect new people. They think the more hispanics and minorities they get in there the stronger their hand is going to be. And in the short run that's true...

    Cohen: Let's talk about this... because I don't think any other TV station would go into these areas. The working class- it's not about race or color. You see this in the U.K. and U.S. Black and White working class people, long term americans or english people, military record often, good people- they are the ones being ignored in all this, and if they ever say “well, hold on, immigration- people coming into the country with few language skills, taking jobs, which I can't get”, they're then- even if they're Black- they're accused of being dum or racist.

    I had to type this transcript myself. I am doing it in the event that video ever becomes unavailable in the future. Sorry, I did not have time to finish the whole interview.
  3. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Romney not much help either - wouldn't commit to what he would do about this if he were to become President on Face the Nation yesterday...
    Immigration order reverberates in social media
    Jun 18, 2012 - President Obama's Friday order suspending deportations for some young illegal immigrants sent a charge through social media over the weekend, with the both the president and his Republican challenger seeing steep spikes in on-line chatter about them.
  4. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    And how will immigration affect housing prices?
    There might be "plenty of land", but there is much less land in the more desirable regions, where the jobs are. Higher housing prices could potentially mean longer commuting times, or even higher unemployment if people cannot afford to live where the jobs are.

    Immigration now will undoubtedly mean higher population growth rates in the future. How will this affect the affordability of housing for our children and grandchildren?
    I am much more concerned with all the babies the immigrants have been having, than the actual immigrants themselves.

    The issue of "amnesty" is mostly a non-issue for me. Even if the undocumented are not given amnesty, they will still continue to have children — MANY children , children that will automatically be granted citizenship. Illegals are only the tip of the iceberg.

    There just will not be enough good paying jobs for all these people, and most of their descendants will likely continue to pose the same types of social challenges that we are already seeing now.
  5. Colonel K

    Colonel K Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2010
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    Brimelow is a well-known white nationalist rabble rouser with his own hate site.
  6. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    I hardly think that being concerned about the potential effects of such a rapid change in the population's ethnic composition makes him a "white nationalist".

    The Southern Poverty Law Center has cried wolf so many times I am not sure how much credibility they have left. In recent years they have been accusing numerous libertarian groups of being a "domestic terrorism threat", subtely implying also that they are racists. Several of these groups have called the Law Center out on this, and making it readily obvious that the Law Center's reports are far from being politically neutral. For instance, the Southern Poverty Law Center has also gone after organizations that support traditional marriage. In its Winter 2010 intelligent report, the SPLC listed 13 groups, including the American Family Association, Concerned Women for America and the Family Research Council, as being “hate groups.” Rather revealing, not a single muslim organisation was mentioned amongst the list of alleged hate groups. Apparently being against gays openly serving in the military is more hateful than wanting to impose shariah law and behead all the gays! Just mentioning this because the SPLC has published outrageous claims slandering Brimelow, which have been reference by wikipedia (not really surprising, there is a reason that Conservipedia exists).
  7. Beast Mode

    Beast Mode New Member

    Mar 5, 2012
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    Brimelo!!!! LMFAO!!! You can't make this stuff up!


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