What is the actuator of every religion? Who are we? And why are we here? What is the purpose of our residing on this earth? Crowds implying about the approximated Apocalypse - The End Of Our Days. Will we be ready for the genuine moment, the most injurious moment of our lives? The least sphacelus in the world, whom has the mass of 1CT (1 Carat), influencing our lives when the connection is executed. For an example, when we are meeting the little sphacelus, we're screaming; the yell of the frightened mortal get heard by the neighbors of the mortal; the neighbors convene with the police service, and calumniate about the mortal; the constables are coming to you, and you have to pay the forfeit. Every living substance has the prerogative to influence our lives. Even the least ones. A lot of people whom seen my writing style and knowledge, idolized it and were curious from it; some of them labeling me as a genius. Although, I was bad student until this year. But I am a teenager, everything can be changed in mylife, I direct it. But those feedbacks are facsinating and giving me the motivation to write, to talk, to learn and to listen, even to live. On daily basis, more than thousands of airplanes rooting the flights; just to mention, imagine how much fuel getting lost, day after day. The toxic gas we're breathing. Moral dilemmas - exhibit and demonstrate our experience and our humaneness that we have. How will we act in the moment of truth? Maybe nowadays, in our generation, it would be hard to find out digest of the humaneness, that will cause us to rescue someone else, and not yourself. Maybe the moral dilemmas are not demonstrate our humaneness, but how freiers we are. Who said, that I have to rescue someone and to lose my life for him? Am I sound egoist by saying so? (this is not my mind about it). Our generation escorted by stupidity and sillines, and totally without life experience. Are we (*)(*)(*)(*)ed up generation, devoid of mental capacity? Are we the jinx(ed) generation? Or we're the prelude of the future, of the stupidity humanity? The musical significance can be philosophic significancem phychologic significance and even scientific connotation. You can't argue, but the music is another science, that is very complicated and sophisticated; we may detect it for generations by generations. An experiment on the water's molecules, proved that the depressive musical genres are ones of the factors of the reduce in the quality of the mineral water. Is that right, that 60% of our bodies, included from the water? So is that mean, that our reaction on the depressive musical genres are affect us as the same as the water? The book named "The Secret", is about the spiritual secret of gravitation; it is about how our thoughts are constructing our lives. So as a spiritual fact, if you will be in depress (like listening to depressive music), you will approach to yourself more bad things. Are the mortals born with predestination and assignment? Are we the owners of our destiny and our future? Can we direct our selection everytime? People are directing their future; they're the leaders of their lives. A criminal, chose to be a criminal; A singer, decided to learn how to sing, and to write songs. Rely on the theory that we're puppets, and that our lives fixed beforehand - it's the same as to avoid responsibility of our actions. *(Copied from Wikipedia)* Does Marilyn Manson chose his life-style? Was Marilyn Manson born with fixed beforehand predestination? *(Copied from Informational Website, Wright)* Does Albert (Alphonse) Capone chose his life-style? Was Al Capone born with fixed beforehand predestination?