Police officer charged in fatal shooting of Philando Castile

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by My Fing ID, Nov 16, 2016.

  1. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    We haven't necessarily seen the end of this.

    Giving that the cop has been found innocent of all charges, he may well have cause to demand his job back.

    The statement by the department was simply that it would be better for the community if he was no longer a police officer in that city.

    It stated that separation terms would be negotiated, with the department helping him to find a career outside of working as a policeman in that city.

    In other words, the city is going to try to buy him off. Or, perhaps he'll just demand to continue in his job. After all, he's guilty of NO wrong doing.

    All he did was shoot some black guy.
  2. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    No, the entire department showed its colors that day.

    When policemen came to the scene they immediately went to support the officer who did the shooting.

    They offered NO assistance to the guy who was dying.

    Castile got NO assistance from the police other than to report that a guy needed a medic and remained unconscious in the car until medics arrived 10 minutes later.

    This event demonstrated the mindset of the department - not just one officer.
  3. Stonewall Jackson

    Stonewall Jackson Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2017
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    Thank goodness Castile's baby momma kept videoing instead of rendering aide.........how else you gonna win the 'Ghetto Lottery'?
  4. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    She was arrested and her daughter was taken into custody.

    Also, there is no evidence that she was trained in emergency medicine to the extent police are.

    BUT, more importantly this is about the police.

    They shot a guy for absolutely no reason and didn't even bother to render assistance.

    And, that wasn't even considered an issue.

    REALITY CHUCK Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2016
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    Yeah, I remember that. I thought at the time that that cop had no business being a cop. From what I saw on TV, the presence of a gun and a permit was declared in a clear manner without the display of a firearm and the cop went nuts for some reason.

    Here in Illinois, we have had carry permits for several years now without any incident that I am aware of. Here, it is not a requirement to declare that you are armed unless asked. If a cop runs my DL, he will be informed that I have a carry permit, and then he can ask me about it if he wants to. Of course, I'm and old white guy, so I don't expect any trouble. Was that racist?
  6. yiostheoy

    yiostheoy Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2016
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    My own personal rule is that I don't pull the trigger unless someone is pointing the muzzle of a gun at me. In which case he/she will get 5 rounds -- half of my mag.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2017
  7. Space_Time

    Space_Time Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    An interesting perspective:


    The Dignity of Being Black or Hispanic in America

    By Erick Erickson | June 20, 2017, 05:00am | @ewerickson

    I am writing here about something I know nothing about and, given the demographics of this website, most of you know nothing about. I have witnessed it, but I have not experienced it. Maybe you have too — the non-white friend who is handed the luggage while standing in front of a hotel; the non-white friend who cannot hail a cab; the non-white friend who gets pulled over by the police while driving the speed limit.

    These things happen and I have been thinking of them more after the Philando Castile verdict, which I, like David French, think was a miscarriage of justice. Mr. Castile was an innocent man gunned down for no cause by an overly tense police officer giving Mr. Castile conflicting orders. Mr. Castile did his best to comply with conflicting orders and was killed for doing so. That’s not right.

    The verdict came around the time a friend sent me an email. He has an older, small pickup truck with an Our Lady of Guadalupe bumper sticker in Spanish on the back window of the truck. He is as white, if not whiter, than I am. But ever since he has had that truck he randomly gets pulled over. More often than not, the police officer is visibly shocked when he approaches the truck to see a white guy at the driver’s seat. The truck is a magnet for the police.

    There is a pastor where I live who was once pulled over, doing the speed limit, in Texas. His wife is white and the police just wanted to make sure she was okay.

    I stood in DC once and watched a guy try repeatedly to hail a taxi. He was black and every cab passed him by. The moment I flagged one down, the cab pulled over. I offered the cab to the other man who refused. The cab driver protested that I had even done that. In Columbia, SC, when I was at CNN, Roland Martin and I were on our way to a TV hit. We were standing in front of the hotel in our suits. Tourists were trying to hand Roland their keys and luggage.

    When I was on city council in Macon, I constantly fielded constituent complaints about double standards from the police. I had long thought it was a nonsense accusation, but I saw first hand how minority constituents were always more likely to be pulled over or bothered — even those who lived in affluent neighborhoods, had college degrees, etc. It was even worse in poorer areas of town.

    Most of you reading this along with myself cannot relate to that. But I have a question — what does it do to the dignity and soul of a person who follows the law and still gets treated like a second class citizen? What about the equal dignity of all people? Given the Philando Castile injustice, we as a nation really need to think more about this.

    President Trump said he would do wonders for minority communities. He could start by directing his Justice Department to review these double standards in treatment.

    There is one last point I want to make and it is one some of you are probably making right now. You are probably thinking that if there were not so many young black men committing crime or Mexican men joining gangs or coming over as illegal aliens that the police would stop doing this. They brought it on themselves because of the behavior of so many others in their community and until they clean up their community they cannot expect otherwise.

    I bet you are thinking that. I thought it too for a long time.

    But I am a conservative and I oppose judging any person based on a group. Each man is entitled to his own dignity, not the dignity he gets by virtue of being a part of some group. To think otherwise is not conservative. To constantly badger an innocent man because of the behavior of those who might share his race or ethnicity is a rejection of our founding creed and the ideals of conservatism.

    Every man has dignity because every man is made in the image of our living God. The sooner we recognize that and acknowledge there really is a problem here, the sooner we can arrive at a dignified solution. It will be too late for Mr. Castile. But it still must happen.

    There is one last point I want to make and it is one some of you are probably making right now. You are probably thinking that if there were not so many young black men committing crime or Mexican men joining gangs or coming over as illegal aliens that the police would stop doing this. They brought it on themselves because of the behavior of so many others in their community and until they clean up their community they cannot expect otherwise.

    I bet you are thinking that. I thought it too for a long time.

    But I am a conservative and I oppose judging any person based on a group. Each man is entitled to his own dignity, not the dignity he gets by virtue of being a part of some group. To think otherwise is not conservative. To constantly badger an innocent man because of the behavior of those who might share his race or ethnicity is a rejection of our founding creed and the ideals of conservatism.

    Every man has dignity because every man is made in the image of our living God. The sooner we recognize that and acknowledge there really is a problem here, the sooner we can arrive at a dignified solution. It will be too late for Mr. Castile. But it still must happen.

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