Police state

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by montra, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. montra

    montra New Member

    Mar 20, 2011
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    With the recent NDAA legislation that passed New Years Eve that basically gave the government the right to detain its citizens indefinately without a trial, something came to mind. We have seen a gradual deterioration of rights given to us by our Founders with such legislation as the Patriot Act. At what point will this end? I say it will only get worse.

    So what say you? What is next? For example, could they (silly me, all they need is an Executive Order), rather, would they suspend elections Mubarak style at some point?

    All I know is that you kids better buy some health insurance or you could wind up at club Gitmo!! :-D
  2. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    Almost every US state has police.
  3. Davea8

    Davea8 New Member

    Jan 6, 2012
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    I would suggest that if a person has no reply, they should not reply.

    Regarding the original question, any discussion of such things may carry some risk, since all internet transmissions are monitored by the gov. (How relevant!)

    Let me just say that I agree that things have gotten progressively worse, and I do not accept the notion that it is random or an accident or a coincidence of some sort. I believe there are preparations underway by both parties for future anticipated "needs".
  4. montra

    montra New Member

    Mar 20, 2011
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    A thought came to mind. After the 2008 elections the American people overwhelmingly turned against the GOP and kicked them to the curb. Then in 2010 the same thing happened to the Democrats as the GOP won a historic number of seats. Then the same GOP comes up with legislation like the NDAA. So if this pattern continues, and people realize that the two party system is a failure and begin to consider a viable third party, would they consider suspending elections?
  5. leftlegmoderate

    leftlegmoderate New Member

    Oct 24, 2010
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    When we all put our differences aside for a moment and turn our collective attention towards the powers that be.

    The problem though is that a significant portion of our populace supports the overreaching of our government... just depending on the issue. Some have it in their mind that large omnipotent government is a good idea. But they're forgetting about the possibility of the wrong people coming to power who start enacting the wrong legislation... all the while "justified" in their actions because a precedent has been set.
  6. montra

    montra New Member

    Mar 20, 2011
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    When we all put our differences aside? Well it seems to me that the biggest difference between conservative and liberal is that conservatives want to reign in the powers of government and restrict them. What boggles my mind are those on the left who champion government increasing their power over us day after day in pretty much every aspect of our lives whether it be what doctor I see or what my kid eats at lunch time or how much energy I should expend heating my home. Then they make a move like this and we are suppose to be suprised? It's just a natural continuation until someone gets a 2 by 4 and smashes them over the head and yells, "Stop!!"

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