Are you just going by the most likes or have you factored in the amount of time @Steve N has been a member of this forum? Either way, congratulations are in order for having more "Likes" than Posts.
Seems like a negative reflection on PF to me personally, but hey kudos to your team, have an oxycontin and Jack D ice tea: RUSH IS RIGHT!
Speaking of "Likes: There has always been a hard and fast rule about assessing the value of "Likes" on an internet forum. It goes like THIS: The ONLY thing that matters (when assessing the value of "Likes") is the ratio of "Likes Received" to "Likes Given"... And, without "Likes Given" being publicly displayed: "Likes Received" means nothing... I posted at a forum once where the Top 2 in "Likes" both had over 60,000 (and 50,000 they gave to each other)... Anybody can go around in circles all day liking hundreds of posts, hoping that they can mine for "Likes" using the "You'll like mine/I'll like Yours" scam...