Pakistan is the only Islamic nation with nukes. Israel is therefore scared of us and will listen to our command to vacate Palestine. Should we, the heroic soldiers of Allah, liberate our Palestinian brothers?
If Pakistan seeks to liberate Palestine it would present a wonderful opportunity for India to resolve the Pakistani presence in Kashmir.
I have no doubt we will see more exotic locales, possibly even some from Old Venus if Range stays off his meds
again, great poll and thread. We agree completely. Pakistan has a great army and this can be used to liberate Palestine from Israeli govt oppression and racism. I would agree with your poll option to use nukes to liberate Palestine, but that would unfortunately probably kill many innocent Muslims. so the best option is to use Pakistan's conventional forces for this liberation, unless of course Israel is willing to liberate themselves by finally ending their racist and oppressive policies that their govt. enforces.
Or alternatively you could be as you say you are, a peaceful religion, and let the Jews take back their home. You could also be tolerant as you say you are, and let other religions back on Temple Mount. But yeah, do what ever you want, the world will then realise that islam is not religion of peace or tolerance. It's a religion of hate and intolerance:
I was bored and surfing around in here and saw this thread and figured "Huh?!" so I clicked it and went in here..... but now I just feel like I'm losing IQ points by the minute. This thread is literally a public health hazard.
Yeah its just some Muslim with an anti-west agenda. I am sure I have lost like 5 IQ points just replying to his thread. The thread really should be deleted.
Ragecontraction is a troll. One day, he'll be an Indian Hindu, the next day he'll be an Israeli Jew, and the day after that he'll be a Pakistani Muslim.
Go ahead and threaten, the second you fuel a missile you would cease to exist. Seriously though, nothing in it for Pakistan except grief so doubt that would ever happen.
Doubt it - all day long. Two thousand miles from home with minimal forces and no viable supply line as you need to leave the bulk of your forces to repel India facing an enemy fighting on home ground with exposed Pakistani troops facing four times as many armored vehicles and tanks with squat for air cover. Israel would simply look at it like the mother of live fire exercises