They're ambushed and get shot down like rabbits. They flee a drone attack as bulk, all in the same direction, while the next drone bombing wipes them out completely. Why are Russkies that dumb?
Not dumb, expendable. That's the key to Western underestimation. Unless you can grasp how willing a culture is to sacrifice their people, you are going to be taken by horrible surprise.
We all know since WW2 that tuZZians didn't give a sh*t about own number of casualties. So we should handle them the way they expect. Don't take prisoners. Treat ruZZians as human garbage. Show them that we Westeners are superior.
Seems so. ruZZians aren't natural born warriors. They only could win a battle if they've approximately 10 times more soldiers than the enemy. And their leaders know that. Cannon fodder par excellence. ruZZia makes me particularly sick since it's the stronghold of misanthropy. I pray to God that ruZZian sub-humans might never play a significant role in human history.
The Rus are terrible for their atrocities, but I think we should never sink to that level. it's makes us better.