The first thread was so much fun, it reached 500 posts and that's the limit for a thread. But here's the link to that thread for anyone who wants to see the great pics posted there! And now, part 2. Got an image saved of the POTUS you find particularly funny? Got one that represents his power, competence, stature or dignity? How about something casual? Something impressive? Well, here's the place to show it off. Show your support or lack of it. Please folks, this is humor. Don't get nasty with each other, k? I'll start...
Great Idea SMW has there. After Hillary Clinton becomes US President, in 2016, riding high on 2nd term Obama Admin., re elected in 2020, then in 2024, Michelle Obama can be elected US President, and by 2028, most of the Republican Dinosaurs will have died of old age or gone totally crazy and be committed to retirement homes or insane asylums.
Well, so far Barack is the closest thing to a woman president we've had. Not that I have anything against my own fair sex, but I think we've learned our lesson for awhile. Affirmative Action isn't always our friend.
How about a Clinton/Obama ticket in 2016? Hillary and Michelle. Think how many right-wing heads would explode!
A look into the future: Former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama en route to an event at the Obama Center for Social Justice in Hawaii, circa 2033 or so...twenty years after Obama's single term as US President ended. Read more
Behind the scenes discourse on Obamacare as experts on brought in to give insight on how to raise revenue for the massive legislation. No wonder the proceedings were not broadcast on CPSAN as Obama had promised. Arg matey!!!