Privatize Center For Disease Control?

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Silhouette, Jun 16, 2011.


Should The CDC Be Privatized?

  1. Yes, we can trust the private sector to self regulate.

    4 vote(s)
  2. We should get rid of the CDC altogether.

    0 vote(s)
  3. No, the CDC is too vital to risk privatizing.

    32 vote(s)
  4. Not sure.

    2 vote(s)
  1. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Well...they have their long arm meddling in all manner of human health.

    And don't forget the walk-in ER guarantee for the 50 million uninsured. Think that isn't costing taxpayers? Think again.

    We are wasting oceans of money just so we can let the private insurance mafiosos to corner a lucrative market; holding people hostage for a monthly premium ransom..

    Now they're holding the entire economy hostage by gobbling up that dwindling portion of the family income necessary to purchase other goods and services. When you're spending over 1/3 of the family's gross on health insurance, that money isn't availible to stimulate the economy..
  2. Osiris Faction

    Osiris Faction Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    I agree, however I don't think that's the CDC's doing.

    Again though I have to say from a humanist point of view, it is wrong to turn away those in need of life saving health care because of an inability to pay.

    What I think should be done is this; we remove peoples option to not pay. Health care bills can't affect peoples credit ratings. That should not be. If you don't pay you should take a hit in your credit rating. Secondly, healthcare bills can't be sent to collections. This should change. If you don't pay, you get sent to collections, simple as that.

    Instead the government should?

    You believe a government plan would be better?
  3. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Yes. I do. Right now health premiums go to pay for advertising, CEO millions in salary each year, bonuses etc.

    You trim that fat and focus on cheaper preventative care, you eliminate the ER visit guarantees for 90% boo boos. You trim trim trim. And We collect taxes from junk food, tobacco and alcohol to help the pool.

    I think that system would work well for Us. After all We are the Government. And Our highest Law provides in Article I Section 8 that We may levy funds to pay for programs We feel fall under Our best general Welfare..
  4. Clint Torres

    Clint Torres New Member

    May 1, 2011
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    If anything should be governmentized it should be the Banking and financial lending Corporations. They are a threat to national security. Why should the fat cat bankers and executives make billions each year, and pay their employee's squat on the USA Government Cheese dollar? Only a fool would say they deserve it. BS, they use that money to ripp off the taxpayer, and use the taxpayers' money to make more money for themselves. The Bankers of the USA did not get to where they are by working they got there by privilage and wealth. Governmentize the banks and give me a billion dollar loan for 0.001% APR. I will invest it in the US economy an make $7-$10 million a year easy.

    What should be privatized is the public schools system in each of the US States. These dropout factories are a threat to national security. Only 25% will meed the intellectual qualifications to be a grunt in the Army, and only 30% will qualify intellectually to be a cook in the Navy. Private schools can do the job for 1/4 the cost. That's saving you tax payers 75% of the cost for Tax funded schools each year. That is abount 45% less tax you need to pay. So if you want to cut taxes, that is the way to do it. And the outcome will be better schools, and smarter people. Most, all the elite weathy rich people with good jobs send their kids to private school. Of course, all who grad from a elite private are not the smartest people in the world, but they are the best connected to wealth and will get connected to great opportunity in the future. Nevertheless, they are smarter that the clunkers that pass through public schools in the USA.
    Only disadvatage of privatizing public schools are the consumer may be more savvy and not so stupid to want crap they can't afford, or buy junk they don't need.

    Some will raise the argument about special ED and all the delinquents. Shure they exist, but the cost for the private sector to deal with them are far less than what the taxpayer is paying for it now. And the outcomes will be better due to more diverse opportunity for the delinquent to choose from (other than college). That's what Job Corps and vocational schools do, they give opportunity for those not interested in college.

    CDC is needed to monitor corporations and other countries health activities. Without it, the simple dumb American would need to know way more than their capable of. If they did privatize the CDC, you can rest assure, a corporation who has that power will be extorted and bribed to the highest payer for their influence on nations around the world. Countries who value money and greed will be able to wipe out other countries with biological warfare. Isreal will likely pay off the Private CDC to keep secrets of their plans and products to wipe out their oppostion nations/states. Their money and broadcast media power will make the CDC look the other way. Are they doing it now?
  5. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    I take issue with the schools. We have charter schools in our area and there are so many loopholes to credential checks of staff, that the testing scores [proof in the pudding] are unbelievable low. I knew of one child who was in a charter school, montessori-type, who didn't know how to read the word "is" in the 5th grade. Pathetic without oversight. We need national standards of education to be enforced. It worked just fine for decades considering the number of children it had to serve. Charter schools for the very rich probably work well, but in poorer areas they are crap.

    Again this thread is a didactic device to show people how government health programs work, work well, and are VITAL to our national security. It's supposed to force neocon idiots to think.
  6. dudeman

    dudeman New Member

    Apr 16, 2006
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    Does anyone remember the anthrax letters sent to Tom Daschle and others with Steven Hatfill as the scapegoat? Bring back the bubonic plague if you cut funding to the CDC as the union members would cry. Real or not, you be the judge.
  7. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    One of the questions I regret leaving out of the poll is: "Do you support leaving the CDC government-run while at the same time oppose government health care?"

    Like to see the numbers on that one.

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