Proposed Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America We the People, free, independent and equal before the law, in the face of new challenges as well as the memory of our ancestors, constitute the supreme law, the Constitution of the United States of America. In taking up our responsibility for a better tomorrow, we pledge to uphold the rationale, rights and arguments of all those who need it, while being aware of the dangers of failing to do so. Concern for the common good dictates that we make universal choices that are true for every US citizen, and our inherent dignity obliges us to engage in constructive dialogue together. *** In the U.S., absolutely all of us have the right to establish our own personal space under the condition of not doing what is forbidden, and to follow the accepted, not only by the majority, path of the superior human needs of love*, freedom and happiness, in which everyone has the right to be guided by their own moral duty**. We are all subjects, and the state has a duty to take care of welfare and prevent poverty. No person in the US should be denied the right to change how they are treated. However, this is a right of the individual, not an obligation of the State. The authorities have the right to violate their principles if they consider the interest of a genuine cry for help to be ethically and morally more legitimate than those very principles. The authorities of the United States of America are accountable to the public. Americans are free to rationally manifest patriotism and devotion to their Nation, to their homeland. Knowing that love to what's mine is never the same as hate to what is other, individual rights here preclude the manifestation of any form of xenophobia. Groups whose functioning is based on such xenophobia are considered inherently illegal and subject to, including preventive, punishment. *- the declaration of independance speaks only about freedom and happiness and not about the law to love. This is signifficant, because it manifests the right not to be treated insane while being in love. Besides the three main needs of a human are freedoom, love and happiness and not only freedom and happiness ** - This is Kant of course, but it is also very important that it os not only about morals, but a "moral duty" - so everyone can say that love, freedom and happiness are something verarching, and that these things are so important, that they create one's choices.
Greetings Are there adequate protections against the weapons makers, health insurance industry, big pharma, bio weapons makers, and other rich and powerful groups from controlling the US as they currently do? I can see it is implicit in 'We the people' and 'our responsibility' and 'common good' but the present situation is where the President and most of Congress is keen on wars, lots of them, and willing to risk a nuclear war, while the US public has entirely different priorities. I can see the good intentions but I'm worried the power will be doing something entirely different.
Greetings aspagnito It may seem unnecessary but I'd like to see a decision to close the border, because with one or more borders missing we aren't even a country. It will take a lot of work to get the drug cartels out of the police forces in some areas which is currently a big problem if you live in one of those areas.
The preamble should end at "***". The rest is constitution and I gave my propositions. It should be consulted by both parties, and I think the things we both say are in a way valid and obligatory to discuss. Things like "stand your ground" must go, as well as getting citizenship by entering coast by ones own body effort (or something), and that the President has to be born in the US has to go too. Declaration of Independence speaks only about freedom and happiness and not about the right to love.. The inclanatiom of this is sad - one cannot prove one's intentions are valid by following the right to love or one cannot demand to be treated seriously by following the right to love - of course Hollywood got that right, but US citizens have a problem with this. As it goes to weaponry - in Europe only Police (in most of the European countries - some 2 or 3 are ecxeptions), army and secret service can have weaponry. That comes with no death penalty. In the US historicaly people lived in small aglomerations far away from each other, so people had to have guns. But it's the XXI century, robot dogs, autoflies and peniciline, and of course we live in the times of total invigilation, so counting on a poor hope that the gun owners are sane is as I sad poor poor hope. By the way I am Polish (haha - not a joke) As it goes to borders - the borders should cover all American teritory. European Union has lots of countries with the so called Schengen Zone, which means all countries in Europe that belong to European Union have free borders. The countries outside cannot freely travel to Shengen Zone. Perhaps some North American Union is a sollution and maybe all continents should have something like that.